Teller Report

"Pastoral settlement"... Cattle delineate the borders of West Bank settlements

1/11/2023, 10:22:49 PM

“Wherever our livestock puts its feet, that is ours,” flimsy arguments used by settlers to plunder vast areas of Palestinian land in the West Bank, especially in the northern Jordan Valley, with vast green areas extending to the Jordan River, representing 30% of the West Bank. And who are they?

Between the plains and the highest slopes, and within the Palestinian Jordan Valley areas and the Bedouin communities

"Pastoral settlement"... Cattle delineate the borders of West Bank settlements

  • Yanun was deprived of its agricultural and pastoral land.

    Emirates today

  • Pastoral settlement undermines Bedouin communities and displaces their inhabitants.

    Emirates today

  • Raed Moqadi: “Over the course of three years, more than 24 pastoral outposts were monitored in the northern Jordan Valley and south of Hebron, which robbed hundreds of dunums of Palestinian lands.”


“Wherever our livestock puts its feet, that is ours,” flimsy arguments used by settlers to plunder vast areas of Palestinian land in the West Bank, especially in the northern Jordan Valley, with vast green areas extending to the Jordan River, representing 30% of the West Bank.

From here, the settlements begin to creep towards the Palestinian lands, devouring them with the heads of livestock grazing among the plains, the highest slopes of the mountains, and next to the Bedouin communities, and then the settlers who own livestock establish their pastoral outposts.

After that, the Israeli occupation imposes a ban on the Palestinians, the original land owners, from entering it, or even approaching it, to then draw the borders of the settlements perched on the lands of the West Bank, over countless areas.

settlement farms

Since 2016, the occupation has established many settlement farms in various regions of the West Bank, including the "Zvi Bar" settlement outpost, which plunders 2,500 dunums of land from the villages of "Kobar", "Jibiya" and "Umm Safa". “Hafet Ro’im” or “Shepherds’ Farm” on more than 1,850 dunums inside the town of Al-Samou’ in the city of Hebron, in the south of the West Bank, and in 2020, a settlement farm in the town of Yatta in Hebron looted 1,537 dunums of the land of Palestinian Bedouin communities.

According to the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights “B’Tselem”, the settlement farm “Um Zuka” or as it is known as “Uri” in the Israeli nature reserve “Um Zuka” in the northern Jordan Valley seizes 14,979 dunums of Palestinian lands, or a third of the area of ​​the reserve that seizes The land of the Palestinian village of Al-Mazouqah.

By reading B'Tselem's periodic reports, the Israeli occupation has established more than 280 settlements throughout the West Bank, in which more than 440,000 settlers reside, in addition to 150 settlement outposts, a third of which were established during the last decade, most of which are called "farms".

The outpost farms include several types, including sheep farming, such as the “Mazraat Shabtai” outpost, south of the Hebron Mountains, in addition to devouring hundreds of agricultural dunums, such as the “Mitzpe Danny” outpost inside the village of “Deir Dibwan” near the city of Ramallah in the West Bank. .

In order to ensure the expansion of settlement outposts deep into the Palestinian territories, the Civil Administration of the Israeli Occupation Army pushed last September a plan to legalize dozens of random outposts, which were built in the form of farms for herders in the West Bank, and to establish new outposts along the same lines.

A vast silent settlement

The researcher at the Palestinian Land Research Center, Raed Moqadi, says, “The policy of pastoral settlement is the fastest and most feasible policy of Judaizing the Palestinian land. Linking the pastoral outposts to the settlements on the lands of the West Bank as a closed circle.

Mawqadi added to Emirates Today, in an exclusive interview: “Over the course of three years, we have monitored more than 24 pastoral outposts in the northern Jordan Valley and south of Hebron, which have robbed hundreds of dunums of Palestinian agricultural lands, and besieged other areas used agriculturally. For example, the pastoral outpost In the village of Ain Samia, located on the eastern slopes of the Ramallah Mountains, only 20 meters away from the Bedouin community in it, and all the lands of the villagers, and their agricultural and pastoral activities, are besieged.

He points out that pastoral settlement in the cities of the West Bank is supported by several Israeli settlement associations, to establish a settlement presence within the vast areas confiscated from Palestinian lands, and to undermine Palestinian shepherds in the Bedouin and rural areas.

And the Palestinian researcher continues: “The confiscated Palestinian lands, on which pastoral settlement outposts are formed, are not confined to a specific area.

5 outposts besieging 82 people

Moving to the southeast of Nablus Governorate in the northern West Bank, Khirbet “Yanun” is located on a mountainous hill adjacent to it an agricultural plain area, extending to the northern Jordan Valley on an area of ​​16 dunums, which was confiscated by the occupation, leaving only (3 dunums), within which 82 live. Individually, they belong to eight Palestinian families.

The confiscated areas were swallowed up by five settlement outposts, surrounding the Palestinian village from all directions, namely, “Gideonim” from the northern side, “Givat Olam Afri Aran” from the western side, “777” outpost from the eastern side, and “776” outpost from the northeastern side. And from the southeastern side, the “778” outpost, according to the Mukhtar of Al-Khirba, Rashid Murar.

Murar clarified that all the settlement outposts above the lands of "Yanun" are surmounted by military watchtowers, to provide absolute protection for settlers while committing their violations against the Palestinian population, pointing out that the khirbet is besieged from its eastern side to the western side by the "Itamar" settlement, which is located on the lands of the neighboring village of Awarta, south of Nablus.

The Mukhtar of the Palestinian Khirbet says: “The five outposts were the main nucleus of the pastoral settlement that we have been suffering from for many years, as the settlers randomly release their cows between the plains of (Yanun) and its upper slopes, so that they eat the fruits grown by Palestinian families, as they tamper with olive trees, houses and agricultural crops. As for them, they plunder the spaces in which the cows roam.

• Since 2016, the occupation has established many settlement farms in various regions of the West Bank, including the "Zvi Bar" settlement outpost, which confiscates 2,500 dunums of land from the villages of "Kobar", "Jibiya" and "Umm Safa".

In 2019, the "Hafet Ro'im" outpost seized more than 1,850 dunums inside the town of Al-Samou', in Hebron.

In 2020, a settlement farm in the town of Yatta in Hebron looted 1,537 dunums.

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