Teller Report

The death of Sultan Al Tarab's son, George Wassouf

1/7/2023, 7:50:27 AM

Wadih, the son of the Syrian artist, George Wassouf, died yesterday, Friday, hours after he was transferred to intensive care at “Saint Joseph” Hospital in Dora, Lebanon, where he was in critical condition, after suffering serious complications after undergoing surgery.Lebanese media revealed that the artist "Meek" performed on

The death of Sultan Al Tarab's son, George Wassouf

Wadih, the son of the Syrian artist, George Wassouf, passed away yesterday, Friday, hours after he was transferred to intensive care at “Saint Joseph” Hospital in Dora, Lebanon, where he was in critical condition, after suffering serious complications after undergoing an operation.

And Lebanese media revealed that the artist “Wadih” had undergone a gastric sleeve surgery a week ago, and returned home, but he suffered serious complications, on Thursday evening, which called for his transfer to “Saint Joseph” Hospital in Dora in Lebanon, and immediately the doctors ordered his transfer. He was transferred to the intensive care unit due to his critical condition.

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