Teller Report

Peace depends on increasing defense spending

1/7/2023, 12:56:32 AM

If Europe has remembered anything since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, it is that peace has a price. Specifically, the cost that nations have to assume to have troops,...

If Europe has remembered anything since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, it is that

peace has a price


Specifically, the cost that nations have to assume to have troops, technology and military facilities capable of serving as

a deterrent against possible attacks on democratic regimes

by those who, as in the case of Vladimir Putin in the current conflict, show zero respect for human life, the integrity of the territories and international law.

in that same

online has expressed the

King Felipe VI

in his speech on the occasion of Military Easter.

The Monarch has insisted on "the importance of investing in Defense"

, in order to guarantee training of the highest quality, sufficient military capabilities and cutting-edge technology, and adequate operations.

Don Felipe has shown great knowledge about geostrategy by

link the economic effort of Spain to that of the rest of the allies

, since only the joint action of those who share democratic values ​​centered on respect for human rights is effective against the threats of totalitarianism.

The war is not against Ukraine, as Defense Minister Margarita Robles expressed, but against Europe

, against the regimes committed to the defense of peace and the independence of the peoples.

Robles has reiterated in various scenarios since the start of the war in Ukraine that "investing in Defense is investing in peace", an argument with which he has defended the

25% increase in spending

that include the next General Budgets.

It is noteworthy that her sense of reality has elevated her to the position of the most valued minister by the Spanish.

The forcefulness of the minister regarding the need for greater investment contrasts with the

ambiguity of President Sánchez

, who - although he has finally responded positively to the long demand of our NATO partners to increase military spending - on Wednesday

avoided specifying to President Zelenski what Spanish support for Ukraine will consist of


Sánchez limited himself to renewing the Spanish commitment to the military training of Ukrainian cadres, but he did not specify what the "additional military material" that he will send to kyiv will be.

The lack of clarity of the chief executive is part of his

strategy to avoid further blowing up relations with the wing


of the government

, who yesterday criticized Felipe VI for asking that "more public money be spent on bombs and weapons."

The Putin regime has awakened Europeans from their innocence on security


For the first time, citizens overwhelmingly support investment in Defense.

The commitment with Europe and with NATO is signed.

Now all that is required is determined action,

without search for partisan or electoral revenues, by the Executive


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