Teller Report

Health insurance reports: More applications for children's sick pay for technicians in 2021 than ever before

1/7/2023, 10:50:36 AM

Compared to 2020, the number of applications for child sickness benefit from Techniker Krankenkasse has almost doubled in 2021. It is therefore striking that the applications were also numerous in the summer.

The number of applications for illness-related child sickness benefit at Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) reached a record level of around 660,000 last year.

The number last year was almost twice as high as in 2020, when around 354,000 applications were received, as TK announced on Saturday.

In 2021, the number of applications was around 511,000.

It is striking that the high numbers have continued throughout the past year.

"Parents usually claim child sickness benefit mainly during the cold season between autumn and spring, and the number of applications flattens out in summer," explained TK CEO Jens Baas.

"But in 2022 we received as many applications between May and July as we usually only get in the autumn months."

The numbers coincided with reports from pediatric practices, according to which a sharp increase in viral infections was observed.

According to the health insurance company, the gender distribution among the applicants has remained constant for years: at around 70 percent, significantly more mothers than fathers claim child sickness benefit.

As the TK further announced, the Corona child sickness benefit was hardly ever applied for in the past year.

In 2021, the pandemic-related service was used around 300,000 times by parents; last year it was only used around 75,000 times.

The pandemic-related child sickness benefit was introduced in January 2021 to enable parents to look after their children if schools or daycare centers had to close due to Corona.