Teller Report

“We are here against everything that Emmanuel Macron does”: in Paris, the yellow vests are back

1/7/2023, 6:02:43 PM

The Yellow Vests hit the pavement again this Saturday in Paris to protest against "the high cost of living", the "pension reform", or even the policy of Emmanuel Macron. Several hundred people gathered, supervised by as many police forces. Europe 1 met some participants.

Caroline Baudry (on site), edited by Gauthier Delomez 6:57 p.m., January 7, 2023

The Yellow Vests hit the pavement again this Saturday in Paris to protest against "expensive life", "pension reform", or even Emmanuel Macron's policy.

Several hundred people gathered, supervised by as many police forces.

Europe 1 met some participants.

They are back on the streets on Saturday.

Yellow Vests gathered in Paris on January 7, four and a half years after the start of a demonstration that was to become weekly.

Many of these French people met by Europe 1 were there, in November 2018, at the time to protest against the carbon tax on fuels and the 80 km/h limit on the roads.

In 2023, inflation and pension reform will once again inflame the debates.


- "We are in a context of vest-yellowing", estimates Frédéric Dabi

Place d'Italie, in the 13th arrondissement of the capital, demonstrators came with the same yellow vest, some of them hanging from their backpacks.

Several hundred people walked the boulevards, framed by as many police forces.

Chapter 2 of the Yellow Vests

If their number is less than four and a half years ago, their fight is identical.

"Today's demands are the same as four years ago. They are even more detailed since the situation has deteriorated considerably. People no longer have the means to feed themselves, to house themselves, to to heal", explains a participant at the microphone of Europe 1. Another Yellow Vest evokes "a much more rooted, deep and visceral hatred of (Emmanuel) Macron".

The rejection of the president's policies is a reason for most protesters to join the movement this Saturday.

"We are here against the high cost of living, against the pension reform, against everything that Emmanuel Macron does", opines a participant in the Parisian rally.

"It's very difficult for everyone, and from the moment we have the capacity and the possibility of issuing a critical opinion, we have to do it", further believes a demonstrator at the microphone of Europe 1.

>> Find Europe Soir Weekend in replay and podcast here

It is chapter 2 of the Yellow Vests which begins this Saturday, January 7, affirms one of the historical representatives of the movement.

The arrival of the demonstrators is scheduled for 7 p.m. in Bercy, in front of the Ministry of the Economy, as a symbol.