Teller Report

Victor Stjernborg great hero - saved Sweden in the last minute

1/2/2023, 6:42:45 PM

2-2 with just over a minute left. Then the captain Victor Stjernborg stepped forward - and saved Sweden. The 19-year-old decided when Sweden defeated Finland in the quarter-finals with 3-2.

Finland had taken the lead twice again.

But Sweden came back after two goals from the giant talent Leo Carlsson.

The 2-2 goal came with less than four minutes left in the game.

But captain Victor Stjernborg was not happy with that.

With Fabian Lysell in the penalty box and with just over a minute left on the match clock, Stjernborg stepped forward and saved Sweden.

The 19-year-old grabbed the puck and scored the match-deciding 3-2 goal.

Got revenge

Sweden has been knocked out by Finland in the last two junior championships, and it was about to become three in a row.

It is not yet clear who will be the opponents in the semi-finals.

It will be clear when all the quarter-finals have been played.

The text is updated!