Teller Report

"Mallorca heat" in the tour - Byström: "Before summer"

1/2/2023, 1:36:46 PM

Lack of snow in Val Müstair, even worse in Oberstdorf. At lunchtime on Monday, it was 16 degrees in Germany and when the Swedish cross-country stars train, it is expected to be as hot in the air as in Mallorca. - Before summer, says Swedish national team manager Anders Byström.

Feelings of spring two days into the new year, that's the reality in German Oberstdorf when the Tour de Ski continues on Tuesday with the third stage.

No undergarment is needed on this day and the snow shines with its absence.

The tour started in Val Müstair and due to "acute lack of snow" the organizer was forced to shorten the course loop in Switzerland, from 3.3 kilometers to 2.5 kilometers.

"Unfortunately, the reality right now"

- It will be before summer, but hopefully they will get a 3.3 there and get that good climb that we had at the WC as well, then I still think it will be good, said Sweden's national team manager Anders Byström after the start of the hunt in Switzerland on Sunday .

He also said:

- They said yesterday that they are filling in with snow that they have saved, hopefully it will be able to be implemented in a good way.

But it will be very tight with training times, little testing opportunities and so on.

But that is the reality right now, unfortunately, with the climate.

According to the Norwegian newspaper Nettavisen, it will be around 16 degrees in the air when the riders train on Monday afternoon - about as hot as the Spanish tourist island of Mallorca on Monday.

- I have to be grateful for the experiences I've had here, but I think it's time they find more snow-safe places.

It appears that Oberstdorf may be a center of climate change.

It's so hot there in January that you can hardly believe it, says the Norwegian star Emil Iversen to the newspaper.

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Frida Karlsson third in the hunt start - see the drama in the riot Photo: Bildbyrån