Teller Report

The transportation capacity of the lines under the jurisdiction of the Beijing Metro Company has returned to normal levels

12/26/2022, 7:33:44 AM

According to @北京银行26日新闻, in order to help Beijing promote the resumption of work and production and ensure smooth travel for passengers, the capacity of the lines under the jurisdiction of the Beijing Metro Company has returned to normal levels since the morning peak. Today's morning rush hour (the first train arrives at 9 o'clock), the number of incoming stations of the lines under the jurisdiction of the Beijing Subway Company reached 867,600, and the operation order of each line was stable and orderly.

  China News Service, December 26. According to the official Weibo of Beijing Metro Corporation on the 26th, in order to help Beijing promote the resumption of work and production and ensure the smooth travel of passengers, the capacity of the lines under the jurisdiction of Beijing Metro Corporation has returned to normal levels since the morning peak.

Among them, the minimum operating interval of the three lines of Lines 1, 6, and 10 was restored to 1 minute and 45 seconds, and the minimum operating interval of the five lines of Lines 2, 5, 8, 9, and Fangshan Line was restored to 2 minutes. All other lines have returned to normal levels.

Today's morning rush hour (the first train arrives at 9 o'clock), the number of incoming stations of the lines under the jurisdiction of the Beijing Subway Company reached 867,600, and the operation order of each line was stable and orderly.

(China New Finance and Economics)

Picture from Beijing Subway Weibo

