Teller Report

The State Duma estimated inflation at the end of the year in Russia at about 12%

12/26/2022, 8:21:56 AM

At the end of the year, inflation was just over 12%, Anatoly Aksakov, chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market, said in an exclusive interview with RT.

“According to the results of this year, inflation will still be slightly more than 12% ... I think that in 2023 inflation will slow down to 5-7%.

However, much will depend on external conditions,” he said.

Aksakov linked inflation in Russia with a serious surge in prices after the start of the special operation - then the Central Bank was forced to raise the key rate to 20% per annum.

“As a result, as the situation normalized, parallel imports were established, relations with Asian countries, such as China, were intensified, inflation began to decline, and the Central Bank lowered the interest rate to 7.5%,” he explained.

Russian President Vladimir Putin previously said that inflation in Russia by the end of 2022 will be just over 12%, these figures are lower than in the G20 states.

Putin added that next year the Russian economy should aim for the target of 4-5%.