Teller Report

Pan Yueming and his studio apologize for illegal endorsement of health product advertisements

12/26/2022, 7:57:44 AM

Pan Yueming also forwarded the letter of apology and said that he is very sorry for the trouble and inconvenience caused to consumers, and he and the team have deeply reflected on it. According to the website of the Shanghai Market Supervision Administration, actor Pan Yueming was confiscated of about 258,000 yuan of illegal income and fined about 258,000 yuan because of his illegal endorsement of health care product advertisements., December 26th. On December 26th, Pan Yueming's studio issued a letter of apology on Weibo, saying that the authorization of Pan Yueming's portrait to use related products without fully understanding the nature of the product and cooperation caused consumers to make mistakes. Guiding and violating the relevant provisions of the "Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China", a solemn apology is made.

  Pan Yueming's studio stated that it has deeply realized its own work omissions, voluntarily and fully accepted the punishment decision of the market supervision department, and "terminated the relevant cooperation as soon as possible and paid all the fines."

  Pan Yueming also forwarded the letter of apology and said, "I am very sorry for the trouble and inconvenience caused to consumers. The team and I have deeply reflected on it."

Picture from Pan Yueming Studio Weibo

  According to the website of the Shanghai Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, recently, actor Pan Yueming was confiscated of about 258,000 yuan of illegal income and fined about 258,000 yuan for illegally endorsed health care product advertisements.

(China New Finance and Economics)

