Teller Report

The Taliban orders NGOs not to allow women to come to work

12/24/2022, 3:09:04 PM

A letter from the Ministry of Economy of the Afghan "Taliban" government stated that the government issued an order today, Saturday, to all local and foreign non-governmental organizations not to allow women to come to work. And the spokesman for the Ministry of Economy, Abdul Rahman Habib Al-Khattab, confirmed, in a statement, that women are prohibited from going to work.

The Taliban orders NGOs not to allow women to come to work

A letter from the Ministry of Economy of the Afghan "Taliban" government stated that the government issued an order today, Saturday, to all local and foreign non-governmental organizations not to allow women to come to work.

And the spokesman for the Ministry of Economy, Abdul Rahman Habib Al-Khattab, confirmed, in a statement, that women are prohibited from going to work until further notice, because some of them do not adhere to the dress code that the government sets for them.

The decision comes days after the "Taliban" government issued an order to universities to prevent female students from attending.

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