Teller Report

NATO and Princess Leonor, the other protagonists of the Christmas message

12/24/2022, 8:27:26 PM

The Christmas message takes maximum care of the details. Nothing is left to chance because everything is capable of sending a message. This year, as EL MUNDO announced yesterday, the message will be...

The Christmas message takes maximum care of the details.

Nothing is left to chance because everything is capable of sending a message.

This year, as EL MUNDO announced yesterday, the message was recorded in the audience room of the main building of the Zarzuela complex, with the gardens in the background.

Don Felipe

wore a navy blue suit, a light blue

shirt, and a maroon tie with navy blue cross stripes that formed diamond shapes.

Behind the King, to his right,

a Christmas tree

and to his left, a chest of drawers and the flags of Spain and the European Union.

Above the chest of drawers, a group photograph taken the day of the reception that the King and Queen made to the leaders who participated in the NATO summit underscores the importance that this international meeting had for Spain, when our country was the center of the world for several days .

In another chest of drawers, Zarzuela placed

a Mystery

made up of the images of the Child Jesus, the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph, which is part of the private collection of the Royal Family.

Before the speech, while the Anthem was playing, a plan of the Zarzuela palace was chosen with the King's script.

After the Christmas message and with the anthem again in the background, seven images of the Royal Family were projected, four of them with

the Princess as the protagonist,

in a gesture that reminds us that the dynastic succession is guaranteed.

The meeting with refugees, the visit to Figueres de la Princesa or the Doña Leonor awards were protagonists.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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