Teller Report

National Interest: Israel is afraid to supply Ukraine with Iron Dome air defense systems

12/24/2022, 7:09:14 PM

Israel will not send its Iron Dome air defense systems to Ukraine, because the Russian army could take possession of them, after which information about the complexes could leak to Iran, military expert Yakov Nagel said. He expressed this opinion in an article for The National Interest.

“Israel rightfully fears that if any of its systems are deployed (in Ukraine. -


), they will be captured by Russia on the battlefield.

From there, they are almost guaranteed to be sent to Iran for analysis,” he said.

Nagel suggests that a possible analysis of the air defense systems in Iran will allow Tehran to "find ways to counter these systems."

“This will benefit Hezbollah, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in a future confrontation with Israel.

The outgoing Israeli government has made it clear that it is not prepared to take such a risk.

The new government will probably say the same thing,” the author writes.

Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz previously confirmed that his country would not supply weapons to Kyiv.

Israeli President Yitzhak Herzog explained the impossibility of supplying Ukraine with air defense systems as a secrecy.

In turn, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reproached Israel for not helping Kyiv with the supply of weapons systems.