Teller Report

An Asian fabricates a story about being kidnapped

12/24/2022, 10:33:28 PM

An Asian person “fabricated” an interesting scenario about being kidnapped by three people of his nationality, placed in the trunk of a car, assaulted, and 12,000 dirhams stolen from him by force. However, his story did not deceive the Dubai police, as it revealed the truth of what happened, and issued a “false communication” report for him, and referred it to the police.

An Asian fabricates a story about being kidnapped

An Asian person “fabricated” an interesting scenario about being kidnapped by three people of his nationality, placed in the trunk of a car, assaulted, and 12,000 dirhams stolen from him by force.

However, his story did not deceive the Dubai police, as it revealed the truth of what happened, and issued a "false communication" report for him, and referred him to the Public Prosecution, and from there to the Criminal Court, which ruled that he was convicted and fined 5,000 dirhams.

The accused had come to Al Khawaneej Police Station and reported that he had been robbed under duress on August 29 in Warsan Al Thani, on Sheikh Zayed Bin Hamdan Street.

He stated in his account that he was standing in front of his truck, and was surprised by three people of his nationality attacking him suddenly, before they put him inside the trunk of a saloon vehicle, took him to an apartment in an unknown location, assaulted him, and seized an amount of 12 thousand dirhams from him.

The police officers noticed clear gaps in the accused's statements, so they conducted the necessary investigations, and decided to confront him with what they had reached, and he found no choice but to admit that he fabricated the story, admitting that he had falsely reported against the three people in retaliation for them, due to financial disputes with them.

In the rationale for its ruling, the court indicated that the crime of “false communication” according to Article 423 of the Federal Crimes and Penalties Law No. 31 of 2021, is achieved by reporting or fabricating material evidence that a person has committed a crime, contrary to reality, or causing legal action to be taken against a person. The offender knows that he is innocent, and that this notification is about a matter that requires a criminal or disciplinary punishment for the perpetrator, even if this does not lead to filing a lawsuit in his regard.

And she indicated that the definite evidence was based on the validity of the incident and its proof against the accused, by reporting that he had been kidnapped, assaulted, and an amount of 12,000 dirhams stolen from him, then he voluntarily admitted that the incident was fabricated, and that he was not subjected to any of the crimes he reported, and then the court ended up convicting him. and fined.

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