Teller Report

The autonomous governments of the PP deny the version that Calviño gives to the EU and demand consensus on the new European funds

12/23/2022, 3:57:04 PM

The autonomous governments of the Popular Party deny the version given by the First Vice President of the Government, Nadia Calviño, to the European Union about what she is consulting...

The autonomous governments of the Popular Party deny the version given by the First Vice President of the Government,

Nadia Calviño

, to the European Union that she is consulting with them about the new request for European funds and demand consensus.

Although Calviño assures that there has been

"a consultation process"

for the preparation of the so-called "addendum" to the Recovery Plan to collect the rest of the Next Generation funds assigned to Spain, the Treasury councilors of the communities governed by the PP in Madrid , Galicia, Castilla y León, Ceuta, Andalusia and Murcia flatly deny it.

In an unusual joint communiqué they demand "a meeting of the Government with the communities to work on the new addendum for European funds."

"The directors cannot share what the Government has

stated when it indicates that "the draft addendum is the result of an intense dialogue with the Autonomous Communities..." or "after an intense consultation process with the territorial administrations" since it does not respond to a open process of dialogue, consensus and debate".

What's more, they claim to have found out from the media about the draft application for 94.3 billion euros to the EU, despite the fact that they are involved in the management.

"In fact

, until the Government's announcement, the Autonomous Communities were unaware of the new Plan and we have been able to find out about it from the information conveyed through the press

. "

In the PP, the use of photos of Calviño with representatives of the opposition or the Murcian president,

Fernando López Miras

, has also annoyed, as if he had really consulted with them about the plan.

Murcian government sources say that in that image, Calviño did not even address the issue of this second phase of the funds.


It is surprising that the Government has used a meeting from a long time ago to defend and justify between Brussels that there has been dialogue,

as requested by the Commission," the counselors emphasize.

For the Popular Party, "the lack of co-governance and transparency that the Government displays" hides "clear weaknesses" and shows "a weakness" in the exercise of power that "remove the real possibility of success" in the development of a plan that is "a historic opportunity for Spain".

"The execution of the plan is scarce, the agreed reforms are not fulfilled and the calls for the PERTE do not reach what was planned."


"European funds are not patrimony of the Government, but belong to all Spaniards", highlight the leaders of the PP, who, in addition, point out that the 84,000 million euros that represent the base of this second tranche will be computed as debt and will have them to execute this government and the following ones.

"The least that can be asked is to agree on it with the CCAA, inform the main opposition party and take it to Congress for debate and approval," they

point out.

In his opinion, "it seemed logical that after the initial design errors, negative experiences would have been learned and new

measures would be built through dialogue, consensus, and agreement with all the agents involved."

Therefore, they ask the Government for a series of measures.

Among them, "the urgent processing of Royal Decree Law 36/2020 as a bill that is almost two years behind in its processing."

This is the one that regulates the management of funds and that went ahead in its day due to a surprise abstention from Vox.

They also demand the "urgent call for the Next Generation Sectoral Conference of funds under the Ministry of Finance that has not met since August 2021" and "make the information transparent in the monitoring of the management of the PERTE".

In his opinion,

"the lack of dialogue and consensus is incongruent when the Government anticipates that it is the Autonomous Regions themselves that mobilize these loans through a fund, in addition to the ICO mechanisms."

According to the Government's press release, "a new fund of 20,000 million euros will be created to channel loans to sustainable projects and investments in the Autonomous Communities."

Calviño states that "among the newly created funds

, due to its relevance and mobilization of resources, the Fund for Autonomous Communities stands out, with an endowment of up to 20,000 million euros,

through which the regions will have financing under preferential conditions for in turn grant reimbursable financing to the private sector and finance public investments in eligible areas, of a sustainable nature".

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • PP

  • vox

  • Fernando Lopez Miras

  • European Union

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