Teller Report

"Kommersant": the Central Bank allowed the reduction of the qualification for qualified investors to 20 million rubles

12/23/2022, 7:51:28 AM

The Central Bank of Russia has softened its position on the property qualification for obtaining the status of a qualified investor, which is planned to be introduced in the first quarter of 2023.

This was told by the sources of "Kommersant" in the market.

The material says that if initially the Central Bank proposed to raise the qualification from 6 million to 30 million rubles, now the bar is being discussed at 20 million rubles.

Qualified investors have the right to purchase structured bonds, foreign shares without restrictions, make margin transactions, use other complex financial instruments.

Earlier it was reported that the Central Bank is considering mechanisms to restore investor confidence, including the idea of ​​creating a compensation fund for investors with blocked assets.