Teller Report

Sweden tightens routines after the cases of illness

12/8/2022, 6:56:10 PM

The Swedish national skiing team has had a third case of illness ahead of the World Cup competitions in Beitostølen in Norway, and now the routines are being tightened. - We don't want corona in particular, we don't like that virus, says national team manager Anders Byström.

It is only Ebba Andersson who has been found to have covid-19.

Anna Dyvik and Emma Ribom have been sent home after having cold symptoms.

- I have spoken to the doctor who spoke to the girls and they have very mild symptoms, so hopefully it is just something that will pass quickly, says Byström on the phone from Norway.

Norway has reported several corona cases and Byström says that the rumor is that more nations have been affected.

- But I don't know if it's corona or something else that usually rolls around this time of year, he says.

Keeps the groups apart

However, the Swedish national team is taking the safe side before the uncertain and is tightening up the routines.

- We are trying to take back the toughest rules that we had when the pandemic was at its worst.

Mouthguards are worn at all times when we meet, we try to keep our distance and wash our hands, says Byström.

- And those who weren't in Lillehammer but are joining the national team now, they live in their own apartment and get food served in their rooms for the first few days.

We want to keep the groups apart so that those who have been in Lillehammer do not transfer anything to those who have just traveled in, and vice versa.

He believes that corona is worse than colds because it affects the riders so differently.

- Some who have had it in our team have suffered from it for quite some time, so we don't like that virus.

There are many viruses in circulation, but that particular one is so unpredictable.

We have to ensure that endurance athletes can be a problem, so we don't want to bring in corona.

Don't want to catch a cold

Sprint star Maja Dahlqvist says she is not worried about getting corona.

- No, you're always worried, because you never want to catch a cold and it's always inopportune.

But you have to do what you can and it's just unnecessary to stress yourself out too much, she says.

- We always live as skiers - we don't meet many people on the side, wash our hands, use face masks and when I'm at home I don't go to Ica at four o'clock on a Friday.

She hopes and believes that corona will not hit as hard now that most of the riders have received four vaccine doses.

- It feels more like you don't want to catch a cold and then whether it's corona or not, you hope it won't hit anything different.

In Beitostölen, you run a sprint on Friday, 10 kilometers on Saturday (both classic) and a mixed relay on Sunday.

CUT: Jonna Sundling misses the Beitostölen

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Jonna Sundlinge is still suffering from illness.

Photo: Bildbyrån