Teller Report

Time's 'Person of the Year' with President Zelensky and 'Ukraine's Fighting Spirit'

12/7/2022, 9:19:38 PM

The US current affairs weekly magazine Time selected Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and 'Ukrainian Fighting Spirit' as 'Person of the Year' in 2022.

The US current affairs weekly magazine Time selected Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and 'Ukrainian Fighting Spirit' as 'Person of the Year' in 2022.

Time magazine said in a special article on the 7th that "courage can be spread as widely as fear" and selected Zelensky and Ukraine's fighting spirit as Person of the Year.

Time editor-in-chief Edward Pelsental called the decision "the clearest choice I can remember" and said, "Zelensky's decision to remain and rally support in Kieu was fateful."

President Zelensky and Ukrainians have not backed down since the Russian invasion began on February 24, and are recovering lost territories in resistance.

President Zelensky, a former comedian, has been praised for his public speeches every single day since the outbreak of war, boosting the morale of the people and eliciting military and financial support from the West, as well as visiting the front lines in person to faithfully play the role of a war leader.

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)