Teller Report

The travelers about the train stop

12/7/2022, 9:25:25 PM

During Wednesday evening, all train traffic was at a standstill in large parts of the country. At Uppsala central station, many travelers were waiting to be told. - I think it's insulting that they don't announce when you can move on, says Sinan Jasim.

The Swedish Transport Administration announced at 19:00 that train traffic was stopped due to a technical error.

Thea Johansson was one of the travelers waiting to find out if she could get home.

- I think it always works out somehow, she says.

The stop is said to have been due to a technical error in the Swedish Transport Administration's telephone system.

At 8 p.m., the Swedish Transport Administration announced that train traffic could be resumed again.

In the video: The travelers talk about the train delays.