Teller Report

The Pentagon said that the United States did not coordinate Ukraine's strikes on Russian territory

12/7/2022, 9:25:43 PM

The United States did not coordinate Ukrainian military strikes on Russian territory. This was stated by Deputy Pentagon Spokesperson Sabrina Singh.

“We were not aware of any strikes that took place in Russia,” RIA Novosti quotes her words.

Singh added that the US is not in constant contact with Ukraine on the topic of military strikes.

Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that the Kyiv regime on the morning of December 5 tried to disable Russian long-range aircraft and strike with Soviet-made jet drones at the military airfields of Diaghilevo in the Ryazan region and Engels in the Saratov region.

Later, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that the United States does not encourage Kyiv to strike at Russian territory, but intends to continue to provide Ukraine with the military assistance "it needs to protect itself."