Teller Report

Sources: The White House discussed the possibility of not dealing with extremist ministers in the next Israeli government

12/7/2022, 6:43:40 PM

Axios quoted US officials as saying that the White House discussed the possibility of not dealing with extremist ministers in the next Israeli government, after the Likud party agreed with an extreme right-wing party to form a ruling coalition.

The American news site "Axios" quoted US officials as saying that the White House discussed the possibility of not dealing with extremist ministers in the next Israeli government, after the Likud party led by Benjamin Netanyahu agreed with an extreme right-wing party to form a ruling coalition.

According to the sources, the White House held a high-level meeting last week to discuss its approach to the new Israeli government, and the possibility of not dealing with some of its extremist ministers. The files of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, human rights and the rule of law that the United States will focus on in dealing with the new government were also discussed.

Axios reported that the US ambassador to Israel, Tom Needs, urged President Joe Biden's administration to take a more cautious and accurate approach with the next Israeli government, especially since it will include far-right ministers such as Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich.

The American site referred to a report issued by the Congressional Research Service in which it stated that the rise of the extremist religious Zionist movement as a potential partner for Netanyahu in the government coalition "has sparked a debate about the implications for Israel's democracy, its ability to manage tensions with Arabs and Palestinians, and its relations with the United States and other countries."

The report added that Ben Gvir and Smotrich "publicly support policies aimed at favoring Israel's Jewish citizens over its Arab citizens, and the annexation of the West Bank."

The sources said that the Israeli ambassador to Washington, Mike Herzog, pressured White House and State Department officials over the past two weeks not to rush, and to avoid taking a tough stance towards the new Israeli government.

agreement with the far right

This comes after it was announced late on Tuesday evening that the right-wing Likud party, headed by Israeli Prime Minister-designate Netanyahu, had agreed with the far-right United Torah Judaism (United Torah Judaism), giving Netanyahu control of 53 of the Knesset (parliament) seats, which total 120.

Netanyahu lacks another party to be a partner in a ruling coalition to secure a parliamentary majority, but the deadline for forming a government is about to expire.

The United Torah Judaism party said in a statement about the agreement with the Likud, which was concluded, although some details were not settled, that the talks need to be extended beyond the Sunday deadline to reach the ruling coalition agreement.

The next Netanyahu government will radically change the environment for the conflict.

Netanyahu gives the head of "religious Zionism" Smotrich the right to appoint the coordinator of Israel's activities in the occupied territories.

The coordinator is responsible for managing policy towards the Palestinians, giving Smotrich the opportunity to sign off on his aggressive policies and empty his racist complexes.


- Dr. Saleh Al-Naami (@salehelnaami) December 5, 2022

The official Israeli Broadcasting Authority said that under the agreement, United Torah Judaism will obtain the ministries of construction and housing, including the Israel Lands Authority and the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage, and the presidency of the interior and environmental protection committees in Parliament.

The extremist party will also get the positions of deputy minister in the prime minister's office, deputy minister of transportation, and deputy minister of labor and social affairs.

Netanyahu still has to agree with the religious right-wing Shas party, and to reach an understanding with members of his Likud party on the distribution of ministerial portfolios.