Teller Report

Mayor of Kyiv Klitschko admitted that the city could be left without water, light and heat

12/7/2022, 6:31:10 PM

Kyiv Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko did not rule out that the Ukrainian capital could be deprived of water, light and heat.

“Apocalypse, like in Hollywood movies, when it is impossible to live in houses because of the low temperature, it can happen,” he told Reuters.

Klitschko acknowledged that the "points of invincibility" prepared by the authorities of the capital would not be enough for all residents of the city, adding that 500 points are not enough for a population of 3 million.

On December 7, emergency blackouts were introduced in Kyiv.

Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry said that on December 5, the Russian Armed Forces delivered a massive blow to the military command and control system, the defense industry and the fuel and energy complex of Ukraine.