Teller Report

'Operation Moncloa' to save the mayor of Seville: visit the Space Agency with the minister 48 hours after the concession

12/7/2022, 6:43:28 PM

The decision of the Government of Pedro Sánchez to urge the new Spanish Space Agency in Seville has unleashed complaints from the rest of the candidacies and triggered the...

  • Politics Sánchez starts the longest pre-campaign in Seville to shore up his commitment to Swords

The decision of the Government of Pedro Sánchez to urge the new Spanish Space Agency in Seville has unleashed complaints from the rest of the candidacies and triggered speculation about the criteria used by


to resolve the distribution just over five months before the 2023 municipal elections. .

Because, although the virtues of Seville's candidacy are not in question, it escapes no one that its success represents a definitive institutional boost for a mayor, Antonio Muñoz, who is still unknown in the city, after only one year in government , and at a time of strong omnipresence of the PP in the institutions and on the political agenda due to the absolute majority of Juanma Moreno, who seems to continue in a state of grace.

For Pedro Sánchez, maintaining the

Mayor's Office of Seville

is a strategic matter.

In other words, losing her would mean an absolute failure that is difficult to digest and confirmation that the formula used to corner Susana Díaz in Andalusia would have been suicidal.

Let us remember that the general secretary of the PSOE made a personal bet for Juan Espadas to take over the reins of the party in its largest federation and recover the institutional power of the Junta de Andalucía, lost after the 2018 elections. The first objective was achieved successfully after defeating Susana Díaz in the primaries.

But the second, not only was it not achieved, but the PSOE took another step backwards in votes and seats, registering the worst results in its history in regional elections.

Juan Espadas had to leave the Seville Mayor's Office to start his Andalusian campaign and left

Antonio Muñoz in his post,

a highly valued candidate in the city's cultural circuits but a true unknown outside those circles at the time.

The PSOE's commitment to Muñoz was initially conditioned by the evolution of the polls.

But today the party seems to have ruled out other desperate maneuvers, for which the current Vice President of Congress,

Alfonso Rodríguez Gómez de Celis

, or even the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, were spoken of as possible candidates.

Neither of them would be enthusiastic about the idea of ​​going down to local politics to tie up the Seville mayor's office.

But, earlier than initially planned, Antonio Muñoz was confirmed as a virtual candidate for the 2023 elections. Thus, the Government of Pedro Sánchez is going to throw the rest into the Seville campaign.

He is already doing it in fact, unblocking projects and investments that have been stalled for a long time, such as the continuation of the


motorway or

line 3

of the capital's metro.

The presence of ministers in Seville is a constant in recent months.

And its designation as the headquarters of the

Space Agency,

a definitive boost to the figure of Antonio Muñoz, who appears as the great winner of the process.

Message to Lamban

Only two days after the resolution of the

Council of Ministers was known,

the head of Science and Innovation, Diana Morant, traveled to Seville this Wednesday to wrap up the mayor, puff out his chest and begin to make the election politically profitable.

Morant considers that the candidacy presented by the Andalusian capital is "perfect".

The PSOE hastened thus to vindicate in favor of Muñoz the implementation of a project that could give wings to the Sevillian economy, highly dependent on tourism and the service sector.

The minister tried to temper the spirits after the criticism received from other autonomous governments, some of them socialists.

"No one loses in this procedure" because the agency will work from Seville in a network with

Madrid, Teruel, León and Elche,

among others, and will coordinate the deployment of the Perte aerospace funds to other regions, she has defended.

"There is no judicial remedy that can paralyze the decision," he also stated in reference to the intentions of the government of the socialist Javier Lambán to challenge the appointment, and after defending the process as "impeccable."

Morant visited the building that will house the new Space Agency, along with the mayor of Seville and the councilors for Industrial Policy, Jorge Paradela, and the councilor for Universities and Innovation, José Carlos Gómez Villamandos.

The Board also has a plan

The Andalusian government strives not to be left out of the party, but is forced, juggling, to question the selection criteria and the lack of transparency of the decentralization process initiated by the Government (because that is the official discourse of the PP). at the same time as celebrating and claiming their own merit in the Sevillian victory.

Moreno's advisers are outraged because


has not been chosen as the headquarters of the other state agency that was at stake, that of

Artificial Intelligence.

And, therefore, in this case, it has joined the national discourse of the PP, which takes advantage of the general discontent of the defeated candidacies to spread the suspicion of electoralism and partisanship on the decisions of the Government.

In any case, the Andalusian government is not willing to cede all the honors in celebrating the success of Seville's bid and has rushed to advance the development of a strategic plan for the aerospace sector.


Aerospace Action Plan

foresees an investment of 572 million, of which 279 will be from private contributions and 293 million will be public, coming from the set of institutions and administrations and from the new European financing framework 2021-2027.

Among other measures, it contemplates a line of incentives for the execution of innovative projects in this field and a loan program for product development.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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