Teller Report

Iran: communication war on the lessons of the first day of strike

12/5/2022, 8:18:56 PM

In Iran, calls have been made for a three-day strike starting Monday, December 5, as well as demonstrations against power. The protesters as well as the power have declared victory...

Iran: communication war on the lessons of the first day of strike

Tajrish bazaar in northern Tehran, Iran, Monday, December 5, 2022. AP - Vahid Salemi

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In Iran, calls have been made for a three-day strike starting Monday, December 5, as well as demonstrations against power.

The protesters as well as the power claimed victory after this first day of tension.

It's a real war of images between power and protesters.


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With our correspondent in Tehran,

Siavosh Ghazi

While the sites of the opposition groups speak, with videos in support, of a widely followed strike, the official media have published other videos, in particular of the Grand Bazaar in Tehran, with shops open, but also shops and bazaars in provincial towns, claiming that it was the failure of the strike movement.

Tuesday and especially Wednesday, which coincides with student day, are decisive in showing whether the calls for demonstrations and a general strike to overthrow Islamic power have been followed or not.

The Iranian president has planned to deliver a speech on Wednesday at one of Tehran's universities.

In any case, the head of the judiciary said on Monday that those who threatened traders and truckers to force them to stop work will be identified and punished.

►Read again: Protest in Iran: three days of strike from this Monday, the regime announces executions

In this context, after the hanging of four people on Sunday, the head of justice announced the upcoming execution of troublemakers linked to foreign intelligence services, in particular Israeli.

Another official confirmed the disbanding of the morality police, saying that its mission is over and that the authorities will decide on the methods that will be applied in the future to enforce the law on the compulsory wearing of the Islamic veil.

► Listen again: Iran: the regime "is concerned about the confusion within it"


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  • Iran