Teller Report

The PSOE angers its feminists for accelerating the Trans Law and refusing to listen to the experts

12/2/2022, 1:13:00 AM

The Trans Law gives the final sprint in Congress surrounded by controversy. Above all because of the content, but also to a large extent because of the rush and the ways in which it is...

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The Transda Law the final


in Congress surrounded by controversy.

Above all because of the content, but also to a large extent because of the haste and the ways in which it is being processed despite the controversy and debate that surround it.

This speed is being highly criticized by women's groups and feminists linked to the PSOE, who in recent hours have become angry with the role that their party is playing in speeding up the law and having been decisive in vetoing the appearances of the experts on commission, thus preventing deputies from being able to listen to the opinion of psychology and medicine professionals, feminists or relatives who show new angles for the debate before legislating.

"The PSOE prefers to kick democracy in the mouth before it is known what the position of the leadership is, which does not coincide with what the majority of its female bases think," denounce sources from a women's organization critical of the law .

The express procedure imposed was revealed on Tuesday in the presentation -the forum of deputies in charge of the final drafting of the text-.

It opened and closed in a matter of two and a half hours.

"Record-breaking", lament these feminists, who warn that a "roller" has been imposed that has left the debate "swept away".

"One of the most complex laws conceptually speaking and with a brutal impact on women and children" is dispatched in this way, these sources complain.

"It's a degradation."

The Trans Law has gone so far that the next step is its approval in the Equality Commission on December 12.

That day the final wording of the law will be defined with the debate and voting on the amendments presented.

All those that address thorny issues, such as gender self-determination, minors, reversibility after changing sex or intragender violence, will be settled that day in the final duel between the PSOE and Unidas Podemos, with the other parties as actors. essential to tip the balance.

The critical socialist feminists charge against the PSOE for not having accepted appearances and for helping to reject that request of the PP.

“All the resources offered by the regulation have been sought to try to ensure that the consequences of the law go unnoticed to avoid debate.

It is not an emergency due to social necessity, but because of Podemos," they say.

They point out that the PSOE has thus avoided having to make a guest list.

"What are they afraid of?" they wonder.

Carmen Calvo

is also in question because despite being the president of the Equality Commission, she did not attend the presentation on Tuesday.

The reason for her absence has been the subject of speculation, but trustworthy sources confirm that she did not attend the presentation on the abortion law, nor those of other laws, clearing up the idea of ​​a plant.

In fact, not even the PP speaks in those terms.

What the PP does criticize him is that his absence caused "mess."

And so he was reproached yesterday at a new meeting of the Commission Bureau, where he claimed that "some votes that were made without order or control should be repeated,"


sources report .

In his defense, Calvo replied that the presentation is not the commission, that they are "different" bodies, and that she does not have to preside over it, since it is the deputies that make it up who must organize themselves, say these same sources.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • PSOE

  • trans law

  • PP

  • United We Can

  • Can

  • Ministry of Defence