Teller Report

13 days old baby 'fall brain hemorrhage'... The cook notified after a day

12/1/2022, 12:24:22 PM

At a postpartum care center in Busan, a baby less than two weeks old fell to the floor and injured her head. However, the cook did not inform her parents of this until a day later.


At a postpartum care center in Busan, a baby less than two weeks old fell to the floor and injured her head.

However, the cook did not inform her parents of this until a day later.

Reporter Hong Seung-yeon covered the story.


On the 28th of last month, a newborn baby room at a postpartum care center in Busan.

A nursing supervisor checks on the condition of the newborns.

But at this time, the baby falls to the floor from the treatment table placed on one side.

The person in charge hurriedly puts the baby on the table, and the assistant nurse in charge explains the situation to the person in charge.

The fallen baby is a 13-day-old newborn.

It happened while the nursing assistant left her side after placing the baby on an 85 cm high treatment table.

The cook notified the baby's parents of the accident only a day after the fall accident occurred.

It was after her baby her head started swelling.

[Mother of the victim: I caught the baby incorrectly and the baby could have a disability, but the fact that the baby was handed to me without telling me that I had dropped it was so creepy.]

An hour after the accident, the staff at the obstetrics and gynecology department in the same building Even after X-rays were taken and a skull fracture was diagnosed, the parents were not immediately informed.

The baby was taken to University Hospital the day after her fall, where she underwent surgery for a brain haemorrhage and is being treated in the neonatal intensive care unit.

Babies should be followed up until the age of 5 in case of sequelae.

[Father of the victim baby: It was so shocking to see the baby lying in the hospital room and having a hard time...


The police will confirm that there was no fall prevention safety device on the treatment table in the nursery's neonatal unit, and will call an assistant nurse to investigate the circumstances of the accident and the reason for the delay in notifying the parents.

The postpartum care center expressed deep regret over the fall accident and said it would pay more attention to newborn care.

(Video coverage: Jung Kyung-moon)