Teller Report

Two Tu-160s completed a scheduled flight over the waters of the Barents and Norwegian seas

11/24/2022, 4:35:41 PM

The Russian Defense Ministry said that two Tu-160s completed a planned flight over the neutral waters of the Barents and Norwegian Seas.

“Two strategic missile carriers Tu-160 of long-range aviation performed a scheduled flight in the airspace over the neutral waters of the Barents and Norwegian Seas.

Fighter escort was provided by the crews of the MiG-31 aircraft of the Air Force and Air Defense Association of the Northern Fleet, ”RIA Novosti quotes a statement from the department.

The flight duration was about 13 hours.

Earlier, the Irkutsk Aviation Plant manufactured and handed over to the Russian Ministry of Defense a batch of Su-30SM2 fighters.

The new machines received an improved complex of on-board radio-electronic equipment, and the range of recognition of air targets was increased.