Teller Report

One person was killed after two explosions targeted two bus stations in Jerusalem

11/23/2022, 10:19:22 PM

A person was killed and 14 others were injured, yesterday, in one of the two explosions that targeted two bus stations in Jerusalem, and no one claimed responsibility for them, while the “Hamas” movement blessed them. Then, a second explosion occurred

The bombs were activated from a distance... and Hamas blessed them

One person was killed after two explosions targeted two bus stations in Jerusalem

Members of the Israeli police at the site of the explosion at the bus station in Jerusalem.


One person was killed and 14 others were injured, yesterday, in one of the two explosions that targeted two bus stations in Jerusalem, and no one claimed responsibility for them, while the “Hamas” movement blessed them.

An explosion occurred at a bus station at the western exit of Jerusalem, killing one man and wounding 11.

Then, a second explosion occurred at another station nearby, injuring three people and damaging a bus, according to a local hospital.

The police explained that the two explosions occurred half an hour apart, and indicated that mine experts at the site were "collecting evidence and searching the area in search of suspects."

An AFP photographer at the scene said that the explosion made a hole in a metal fence behind the bus station, and confirmed that the second explosion smashed one of the sides of the bus.

Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem announced the death of a 15-year-old boy from injuries sustained in the first explosion, while ambulance teams provided treatment for another person in critical condition, in addition to two serious and two minor injuries.

For its part, the Hadassah Medical Center stated that it is treating six people from the same explosion, including moderate injuries, and five minor injuries.

The hospital is also treating three people who sustained minor injuries in the second attack.

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs indicated that the boy was named Aryeh Shobak, while the Canadian ambassador to Israel, Lisa Stadelboer, confirmed that he had Canadian citizenship.

"A miracle happened to us," said the driver of the bus where the second blast occurred.

"I was on the traditional morning bus route," driver Motti Gabbay told Army Radio. "I reached the bus stop at Ramot junction, and it was crowded."

He continued, "As I was driving leaving the station, I heard the sound of the explosion, the doors opened, and people started running away."

After a meeting with security leaders, the outgoing Prime Minister, Yair Lapid, briefed his designated successor, Benjamin Netanyahu.

At the end of the security assessment, Lapid sent his condolences and the government's condolences to the boy's family, and considered that he was killed "only because he was Jewish."

Lapid reassured the “citizens of Israel,” saying, “We will reach them, and they can run away and hide.

This will not help them, the security forces will reach them.

If they resist, they will be killed, or we will deal with them with the force of law.”

A security source said that the bombs were activated remotely, and suspects are being searched for.

Police confirmed that it was a "double terrorist attack" with explosive devices planted at the two bus stations.

In statements to the local Kan channel, Aidan Elloz, a spokesman for the Jerusalem police, called on the residents to return to normal routine life, despite these difficult events.

The attacks took place while talks were taking place to form a new coalition government in Israel led by Netanyahu.

"We must form a government as soon as possible," said Itamar Ben Gvir, leader of the Jewish Power party, a key ally of Netanyahu, after visiting the site of the blasts. "Terror does not wait."

For its part, Hamas welcomed the two bombings. "We congratulate our Palestinian people and our people in the occupied city of Jerusalem for the qualitative heroic operation at the bus stop," said the movement's spokesman, Abdel Latif Al-Qanou, in a statement.

The White House "unequivocally" condemned the bombings, and said in a statement, "We regret the loss of life.

The United States stands with Israel.”

The United Nations envoy for peace in the Middle East, Tor Wiensland, condemned the "horrific terrorist attacks."

He said on his Twitter account, "Terrorism and violence against civilians can never be justified."

The European Union's ambassador to Israel, Dmitry Tzanchev, spoke of "terrorist attacks that left him with a sense of shock."

On his Twitter account, he expressed his "deepest condolences to the families of the victims, and I wish a speedy recovery to all the injured," adding, "Terrorism is not justified."

The office of Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz confirmed that he is holding consultations with the head of the Internal Security Service (Shin Bet) and senior military officials.

The Shin Bet confirmed that they were the first two explosions since 2016, and that it had thwarted 34 bomb attacks since the beginning of this year.

For its part, the Israeli army announced, through the Office for the Coordination of Civil Affairs in the occupied West Bank (COGAT), in the aftermath of the two explosions, “the closure of the Jalama and Salem crossings in the Jenin area” in the northern West Bank.

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