Teller Report

Nebenzya: pumping Ukraine with weapons leads to the death of residents of Ukrainian cities

11/23/2022, 11:49:22 PM

Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said that the supply of weapons to Ukraine leads to the death of not only the inhabitants of Donbass, but also Ukrainian cities.

“Today, Ukrainian users posted on the Internet photos of missiles that hit residential buildings in Kyiv and Izhgorod, and it turned out that these are American air defense missiles supplied to Kyiv,” RIA Novosti quoted Nebenzi as saying at a meeting of the UN Security Council.

He noted that the thoughtless pumping of Ukraine with weapons by the West is already leading to the death of civilians in Ukrainian cities.

Earlier, American leader Joe Biden ordered to provide military assistance to Ukraine in the amount of $400 million.

The State Department clarified that the new package of US military assistance to Ukraine for $400 million includes ammunition and air defense systems.