Teller Report

Lukashenko: Ukrainian people will push the country's authorities to negotiations

11/23/2022, 11:37:04 PM

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that the people of Ukraine will begin to push the country's leadership to negotiate with Russia.

“The fact that the conflict, the war is on his territory, look, in a year or two the people will blame him: “Why did you make this war start?” RIA Novosti quotes Lukashenko as saying to the Russian TV channel Zvezda in the margins CSTO summit in Yerevan.

He noted that this situation will push the Ukrainian government to negotiations.

The Belarusian leader added that Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky does not suffer without electricity, unlike the Ukrainian people.

Earlier, the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that Kyiv is very scrupulously fulfilling the directives of the West.

He also noted that in the matter of negotiations with Russia, the Ukrainian authorities have seven Fridays a week.

Peskov recalled that Kyiv first forbids dialogue with Moscow, and then says that it is not against negotiations.