Teller Report

Increasing support for the salaries of citizens in the private sector and expanding the covered sectors and specializations

11/23/2022, 10:01:28 PM

In implementation of the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, and the support of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Presidential Court, announced, Chairman of the IDA Council

directives of the Head of State

Increasing support for the salaries of citizens in the private sector and expanding the covered sectors and specializations

In implementation of the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, and the support of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Presidential Court, announced, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the UAE Competitiveness Council, increasing support for the salaries of citizens in both the private and banking sectors, with the aim of preserving and attracting the largest number of job seekers among citizens, and encouraging them to go through work experiences within the institutions of the private and banking sector in all its fields.

The modernization will contribute to building partnerships and supporting more than 170,000 beneficiaries in both the private and banking sectors over the next five years.

The decision includes all employees of the private and banking sectors, regardless of the date they joined work, whether they were appointed before or after the launch of the “Nafes” program, which was on September 13, 2021.

The update also includes expanding the scope of salary support to include working citizens in all their jobs, specializations, and academic qualifications without exception, provided that the monthly salary does not exceed 30,000 dirhams, and the value of financial support has also been raised, so that the monthly financial allowance reaches 7,000 dirhams as a maximum for holders of a bachelor’s degree. And a maximum of 6,000 dirhams for diploma holders, and a maximum of 5,000 dirhams for high school holders and below, and the support is paid for the difference between the actual total salary he receives and the target salary according to the salary category specified for him.

The decision also included granting a citizen who works in the private sector a children’s allowance of 600 dirhams for each son, provided that the total monthly salary does not exceed 50 thousand dirhams, and support is provided for a maximum of four children, for a period of five years starting from the date of the decision.

The decision also included raising the value of temporary financial support for those who have lost their jobs in the private sector, and extending the maximum benefit period within five years to 12 months.

The decision also included expanding the “Nafes” program for nursing cadres, to include the medical, health and pharmaceutical sectors with all its specialties and levels, with the aim of developing cadres of the medical and health sector in the country, and study programs and their duration will be determined in coordination with educational institutions and specialized centers accredited in the country.

The Minister of Human Resources and Emiratisation, Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Abdul Manan Al Awar, said: “The local labor market is witnessing the reflections of the visions and directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, and His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of the State. Dubai, which puts the citizen at the forefront of its interests, and stresses the importance of his active participation in the private sector, especially at the higher skilled job levels in which most of our national competencies registered in the (Nafes) lists work.

There is no doubt that raising the levels of Emiratisation will reflect positively on the national economy, and will bring great benefits to the private sector in particular, as it will have higher levels of flexibility and greater opportunities to face global and local challenges.

He added, "Today we are on the cusp of a new phase, which raises the competitiveness of the business environment by increasing the contribution of Emirati cadres in writing new lines of the success story of the UAE, and we will monitor directly in the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation the impact of supportive programs on accelerating the integration of Emirati cadres into the labor market in the sector." The private sector, which is considered an active partner in the process of progress and development.

For his part, Ghannam Al Mazrouei, Secretary-General of the UAE Competitiveness Council, said: “We have a leadership that is keen on the happiness and well-being of the citizen, and this is evident in the multiple initiatives and financial and non-financial advantages of the (Nafes) program, which contributed to strengthening the Emirati workforce working in the private and banking sectors. And with the leadership’s directives to expand the scope of the national salary support program in the private and banking sectors, raise the value of the support, amend the children’s allowance, and lift the temporary support for those who lost their jobs out of their will, we hope that our sons and daughters will seize the job opportunities available in the private sector, as well as benefit from the benefits of the program (Compete) financial and non-financial, as with the new updates, the differences between the government and private sectors have shrunk more than before.

Al Mazrouei added, "The private sector is an essential and active partner in developing the country's economy and moving the wheel of economic and comprehensive development. We look forward to providing citizens with job and training opportunities with the aim of developing this vital sector and achieving its success and distinction."

According to the information recorded on the “Nafes” platform, the number of those joining the private sector since the launch of the “Nafes” program has reached more than 14,000 citizens, and they are still at work, and the number of current beneficiaries of financial support programs has reached more than 21,000 citizens. With the new updates, the number of beneficiaries from citizens in both the private and banking sectors will reach about 170,000 beneficiaries over the next five years.

• Comprehensive support for all citizens in the private sector, before and after the launch of Nafes.

• A financial bonus in all jobs, specializations, and educational qualifications for those who earn a salary of 30 thousand dirhams or less, according to the academic qualification.

• 600 dirhams bonus for children, with a maximum of 4 children, for those whose salary does not exceed 50 thousand dirhams.

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