Teller Report

9 roles for school administrations towards students and their parents before the first semester exams

11/23/2022, 10:16:21 PM

The Emirates Foundation for School Education has defined nine roles for school administrations towards students and parents before the exams period for the end of the first semester of the academic year 2022-2023, according to the guide for schools’ preparations for the exams for the end of the first semester, provided that the final exams begin

9 roles for school administrations towards students and their parents before the first semester exams

Exams for the end of the first semester for grades three through twelve will start next Friday.


The Emirates Foundation for School Education has defined nine roles for school administrations towards students and parents before the exams period for the end of the first semester of the academic year 2022-2023, according to the guide for schools’ preparations for the exams for the end of the first semester, provided that the exams for the end of the first semester start for grades from third to second. Ten, for public and private schools applying the curriculum of the Ministry of Education, on Friday, corresponding to the 25th of this month, in the subjects of group (A), which includes the basic subjects, and preceded by the delivery of tasks and final projects for the materials of group (B) in the period from 21 to 24 of the same month, Examinations will continue until December 9 for all grades.

The roles of school administrations are represented in introducing students and their parents to the examination committee headquarters for twelfth grade students, in addition to introducing the evaluation policy and the mechanism for calculating grades.

The guide stressed monitoring the grades of the formative assessment during the period of activating the students’ grade book in the Al-Manhal system, introducing the course “educational outcomes targeted by the exam”, and directing students and their parents from grades (5-12) to bring their own computer during the examination period. Provided that the devices are charged before attending the exam, and the school administrations undertake to approve the grades of the formative assessment after ensuring that the grades are monitored and matched and verified to be correct, and to inform the students and their parents of the school bus schedules during the exam period, in addition to circulating the approved exam dates, and publishing the procedures to be taken during the exam period. exams.

The guide stressed the importance of activating the accounts of teachers and administrators in the Al-Manhal system, the smart learning portal and the Swift system, determining the correct level of English language for students of general education schools, as well as the classes and tracks in which students are registered in the Al-Manhal system, classifying students from the category of people of determination, and determining the type of The individual study plan followed by the student “Modification, Adaptation / Harmonization”, and 100% completion of students’ data in the Al-Manhal system.

School administrations must determine the correct elective subject for students in the twelfth year of the year “chemistry / biology”, divide students correctly into the Al-Manhal system, and determine the correct religion for students in the Al-Manhal system.

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