Teller Report

"Dubai Civil Defense" creates a board to rescue those stranded in "difficult places"

11/23/2022, 10:16:26 PM

The General Directorate of Civil Defense created a practical solution to facilitate the rescue and evacuation of the stranded and injured in areas that are difficult to reach with traditional mechanisms, such as boats and marine bikes, "Jet Ski", which is a rescue board that was designed in the department's workshop.The Assistant Director General for Civil Defense said

The technical workshop designed it to meet the challenges of shallow waters

"Dubai Civil Defense" creates a board to rescue those stranded in "difficult places"

Dubai Civil Defense displayed the latest search and rescue mechanisms on its platform.

From the source

The General Directorate of Civil Defense created a practical solution to facilitate the rescue and evacuation of the stranded and injured in areas that are difficult to reach with traditional mechanisms, such as boats and marine bikes, "Jet Ski", which is a rescue board that was designed in the department's workshop.

On the sidelines of the department's participation in the International Search and Rescue Conference and Exhibition 2022, which was held in Abu Dhabi under the title "We Save Lives", Assistant Director General for Rescue and Firefighting Affairs in Dubai, Brigadier General Ali Hassan Al Mutawa, said that the department displayed its latest innovations and equipment at the exhibition, which is keen to Participate in it, to view one of the experiences and exchange experiences in the field of rapid response to accidents and search and rescue operations.

The administration presented a life board that it designed in the technical workshop to be used in case of emergency, after facing challenges in evacuating those stranded in flood areas and shallow water bodies, where boats and jet skis were stuck due to mud or their inability to penetrate into the water.

She explained that the board can be used in valleys or any of the hard-to-reach points, attached to water bikes or supervising the transportation of injured people by rescuers, and it can drag four people at once.

The administration indicated that resorting to simple ideas leads to good results as long as they were studied and relied on finding solutions, pointing out that the administration has so far 12 boards made of strong cork and easy to carry and use.

The department also displayed on its stand the latest mechanisms used for search and rescue, including rapid intervention vehicles for desert and mountainous areas.

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