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Wang Bin, head of the restoration team of the National Ancient Book Restoration Center: Modern restoration relies on "science and technology to work harder" Video

11/22/2022, 2:42:35 PM

Wang Bin, Restoration Team Leader of the National Ancient Book Restoration Center: Modern Restoration Relies on "Technology and Hard Work"

  [Explanation] Using the experience summed up by the people of the past dynasties and the blessing of various new technologies at present, the Internet hot word "science and technology plus hard work" is also appropriate for the restoration of ancient books.

In the National Ancient Book Restoration Center of the Liaoning Provincial Library, Wang Bin, the leader of the restoration team, is an inheritor of "hard work" and technology.

  [Explanation] Wang Bin, born in 1970, has been engaged in the restoration of ancient books since 2009.

Under the tutelage of Mr. Zhao Jiafu, an expert in restoration of ancient books, he learned the experience and techniques handed down from generation to generation.

The work process can be said to be boring, tedious, and exhausting, requiring patience and caution.

  [Concurrent] Wang Bin, ancient book restorer of Liaoning Provincial Library

  Some books are said to be flocculated to a certain extent, even if you don’t dare to take a big breath, because when you breathe a lot, this flocculated book may feel like being blown away by the wind.

  [Explanation] With the progress of the times, the restoration of ancient books, which protects cultural treasures, has received more and more attention.

Wang Bin and his colleagues have also changed from a book repairer to a restorer of ancient books admired by everyone.

And it's not just people's perception of the job or practitioners that's changed.

Only in the Liaoning Provincial Library, more and more management methods and technologies have been integrated into the restoration of ancient books. Brand-new restoration rooms, new restoration archive models, and various instruments such as paper tension meters and acidity detectors have appeared one after another.

At this time, Wang Bin, who had been a teacher for a long time, became an apprentice again and began to learn modern technology.

  [Concurrent] Wang Bin, ancient book restorer of Liaoning Provincial Library

  Because of the rapid development of science and technology, it is also a challenge for us restorers, because these high-tech requirements also have a lot of knowledge reserves. For example, I am already in my fifties, so I just want to learn the knowledge of this technology. , I don’t seem to learn as fast as young people, so I have to speed up my pace in this regard to keep up with the development of the times.

Through some books and some units (training) to popularize some computer knowledge and network knowledge.

  [Explanation] Wang Bin told reporters that even though ancient book restorers have technology and experience, they cannot complete the restoration smoothly. Books of this type are a problem that countless restorers are unwilling to face.

For this reason, Wang Bin is still proud of restoring a mildewed and folded ancient book called "Fenglongshan Monument".

  [Concurrent] Wang Bin, ancient book restorer of Liaoning Provincial Library

  The dimensions before and after the restoration are the same, but there is still a problem. There are two folding pages that cannot be folded in their original positions.

It was this that gave me a headache, and I couldn't sleep at night for a few days.

I just want to use the knowledge I have learned to try to restore this original book to its original state.

After several repeated tests and repeated re-framing, this technical problem was finally solved.

This also sums up my experience.

  [Explanation] Now, Wang Bin has grown from a fledgling more than ten years ago to a master who accepts apprentices. What she teaches is not only "science and technology plus hard work" but also the character of an ancient book restorer.

Wang Bin told reporters that after years of development, restoration of ancient books has become not only a job, but also a discipline.

In addition to her current job, she is actively passing on what she knows and learned to more students.

  Reporter Yu Ruizhai reports from Shenyang

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]