Teller Report

Our roots are in the earth and our necks are in the sky

11/22/2022, 10:06:10 PM

No country can rise or record exceptional achievements by mere coincidence, or depending solely on natural resources, geographical location, or demographic situation. These factors do not make pioneering countries that take their place among the countries of the world with merit and entitlement, but are made by inspiring projects and

Editor-in-Chief's speech

Our roots are in the earth and our necks are in the sky

Mona Bousmara

November 23, 2022

No country can rise or record exceptional achievements by mere coincidence, or depending solely on natural resources, geographical location, or demographic situation. These factors do not make leading countries that take their place among the countries of the world with merit and entitlement, but are made by inspiring projects, true will, planning and vision. Distant, read the present and future with a keen eye.

The UAE, under the leadership of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, “may God protect him,” and the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, does not lie in silence and does not stop its stations at completion or even a series. Achievements, no matter how great they are, because their leadership realizes that countries that seek global leadership, happiness and prosperity for their people must keep the wheel of development in a non-stop position. To maintain this status and this respect.

From here, we understand the assertion of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, that the responsibility of leadership is to “secure a bright future for the present and future generations.” This is what the leadership promised and was endorsed by the achievements on the ground, as indicated by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, when he said: "I told you in the past that we will succeed, and we will write new pages for our country in the epic of glory and glory."

Hence also, and in this atmosphere full of national spirit, and on the eve of the celebration of the 51st Union Day, and in the midst of this determination and epic determination to win the race for progress and prosperity, the annual meetings of the UAE government come, and the inspiring title for the next 10 years comes: “We are the Emirates 2031”, with its implications. Challenge, persistence and confidence, to carry the governmental vision for the next decade, derived from the dream of the founders, Zayed and his brothers, and with the determination of "the best team to build the most beautiful miracle in the world", in the fastest country to provide relief to the needy, the most keen on human building, the safest and most secure, and the most active economy in the region. And the most diversified and prepared for the future, with a GDP of 1.49 trillion dirhams, and a deserved lead in the world in 171 international competitive indicators.

A country that hosts 20 million tourists, manages 90 seaports around the world, owns the two largest solar power stations in the world, and the largest complex of peaceful nuclear power plants in one place.

"We are the Emirates 2031" is not just a road map for the next decade, but rather a great ambition for a country that inspires the whole world, and declares that nothing is impossible with will and determination.

As for the embodiment of this deep vision and ambitious national goals, it will be through clear indicators, foremost of which is access to a more prosperous society globally, the best treatment facility regionally, and among the top 10 countries in the quality of health care, in the human development index, and the best cities in quality of life.

In addition to the major economic goals, foremost of which is reaching the GDP to three trillion dirhams, 40 million tourists, and reaching non-oil exports to 800 billion dirhams, the UAE will be among the top 10 countries in attracting global talents.

There is no doubt that the governmental meetings, which are a unified national platform to discuss the most prominent government files and create a better future in line with the goals of the next decade and their centenary, will be an important stage in the march of our country, and history will write that a new chapter of reconstruction and prosperity has just been written here in Abu Dhabi, a chapter inspired by The achievements of the past to achieve more and more in the future, and to clearly affirm: We are the Emirates, our roots are in the land and our necks are in the sky.


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