Teller Report

God bless black...

11/22/2022, 10:06:16 PM

After the modern electronic social media platforms appeared to us, a situation appeared with it that I find strange, and by strange I mean the way the followers of the celebrities on these platforms are treated, so you find them running after them to get close to them and get to know them and the details of their lives, and they pursue them in their movements, and they rush to not

God bless black...


Yousef al-Sharif

November 23, 2022

After the modern electronic social media platforms appeared to us, a situation appeared with it that I find strange, and by strange I mean here the way the followers of the famous people of these platforms are treated, so you find them running after them to get close to them and get to know them and the details of their lives, and they pursue them in their movements, and they rush to receive them and contract with them to be the faces of several events, Suddenly, these celebrities turned into newbies who challenged their followers or each other through live broadcasts to earn gifts and gifts invented by these platforms as a kind of encouragement that these followers give to their celebrities and fans, and with this change these pioneers themselves and their attitudes and the way they dealt with their followers transformed, to become as if they were Beggars or prostitutes who expose themselves for gifts and gifts.

And when I talk about change here, I do not limit it only to celebrities with millions of followers, but also to obscure people who do not have dozens of followers who compete with each other through games and challenges in order to gain the admiration of those who watch them on platforms and also earn gifts.

Sometimes, you find these people competing and crowding with real celebrities to put themselves in direct challenges with them, and the strange thing is that everyone acquiesces and agrees to take such actions, even though they have something that diminishes the value of a person and his stature, but all this is underestimated in front of lions.

And for those who do not know lions, they are one of the most popular types of gifts on these platforms, which are equivalent to about $320 in value that followers give to their celebrities and models, and that money and the ease of obtaining it made many people open a live broadcast in order to display their bodies or talk about shameful matters. It is unacceptable in our Arab societies to arouse enthusiasm from behind screens, begging and urging them to present these types of gifts.

Competition in the means of communication has become strange and strange, and the vast majority are rushing to provide content that is not sober or sober, just dances, performances, or representation of video clips of songs and music or some inappropriate sentences, and all this in order to gather a “clutch” of followers who are ready to present Gifts, and in return we find that there are actually those who support them and give them money.

It is worth noting that this category is more surprising. If you go to a cinema or theater, and see entire teams presenting you with musical or acting performances, or providing you with visual or audio enjoyment of some kind, the ticket will only cost you a small or simple amount, and you are here in In return, you sit in your home and watch through these platforms people presenting content that cannot in any way be considered works of art or even chat of value, but rather obscene and aimless reviews that are not appropriate or worth paying for a single dirham.

Today we are facing means in which the follower has become not a number by which the number of fans of a content creator or pioneer of a communication platform is measured, but has become a donor and a “payer” as seen and described by the owners of live broadcasts on those sites, and thus standards have changed and values ​​have declined, the more intense the competition in games And challenges and what was not right to be presented were presented, the grants and gifts were greater and more valuable, and the more the star of these platforms was able to beg his followers and urge them to give up their money in exchange for his games, offers, words, ridicule and sarcasm, he was more successful and gained more money.

In fact, I find that all this is nothing but a new type in which the vast majority of prostitutes - as I said earlier - sell their bodies, minds, art ideas, voices, and destructive talents in order to obtain the admiration and support of their followers, or rather their money, and long live the black God.

Lawyer and media writer

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