Teller Report

Eurovision revolutionizes its voting system: geopolitics is over

11/22/2022, 2:06:08 PM

What was one of the biggest complaints surrounding the Eurovision Song Contest? The votes between bordering countries, the so-called geopolitical votes that, although always present,...

What was one of the biggest complaints surrounding the

Eurovision Song Contest


The votes between bordering countries, the so-called geopolitical votes that, although always present, in recent years have overshadowed the


more than ever .

Well this is over.


European Broadcasting Union

(EBU) has opened the Eurovision voting to all countries of the world.

The EBU has announced major changes to how voting works in the

Eurovision Song Contest 2023


The most surprising since the next

Eurovision Song Contest

and, for the first time in history, those countries that do not participate in the competition will also be able to vote for their favorite songs.

And when it refers to the countries that do not participate, it does not refer only to the European countries eliminated or those that are not part of Eurovision, but to any country around the world.

Your votes will be added up and converted into points that will have the same weight as a participating country in both the


-Finals and the

Grand Final


"Throughout its 67-year history, the

Eurovision Song Contest

has constantly evolved to remain relevant and exciting. These changes recognize the immense popularity of the show by empowering the audience of the world's largest live music event. ", said

Martin Österdahl

, executive supervisor of



In addition, so that the


that occurred in the semifinals of the last

Eurovision Song Contest

in which the EBU had to recalculate the votes when detecting that

Azerbaijan, Georgia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania and San Marino

could agree to give their scores between them, the EBU has decided that only the votes of the public will decide who goes on to the

Grand Final


"In 2023, only the viewers of

the Eurovision Song Contest

will decide which countries make it to the

Grand Final

and, reflecting the global impact of the event, everyone who watches the show, wherever they live in the world, will be able to vote for their favorite songs", collects the announcement of the EBU.

"By also involving professional music juries in deciding the final result, all songs in the

Grand Final

can be judged against the widest possible criteria. We are also able to continue the tradition of traveling throughout Europe and Australia to accumulate points and ensure a exciting voting sequence in which the winner will only be revealed at the end of the show," added



Audiences in all participating countries will still be able to vote by

SMS, phone or via the Eurovision Song Contest app

, while viewers in the rest of the world will be able to vote via a

secure online platform

using a credit card from their country.

Following the unprecedented nature of the jury voting irregularities seen at

Eurovision 2022

, a working group of EBU members was established to seek ways to protect the integrity of the event.

Their recommendations were then approved by the Reference Group, the Competition Board and the European Broadcasting Union Executive Board.

The mixed voting system has produced major final changes in the rankings in recent years, as occurred in the most recent edition, in which Ukraine, which had finished fourth in the jury voting phase, ended up winning the festival

for the massive support from viewers to the country


Eurovision 2023

will not be held in Ukraine, however, due to the war in that country, and the host will be the second classified this year,

the United Kingdom

, which has chosen Liverpool as the venue for the contest on May 13.

Public broadcasters from 37 countries will compete to win the

67th Eurovision Song Contest

in Liverpool on May 9, 11 and 13.

31 countries will compete for 20 places in the Grand Final along with France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the host UK and the 2022 winner Ukraine.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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