Teller Report

A case of bird flu in Auvilliers-en-Gâtinais, the third in Loiret

11/22/2022, 11:05:46 AM

Breeders in the sector are now prohibited from selling poultry to individuals A third case of bird flu has been detected on a farm in Loiret, the prefecture said on Monday. This new discovery resulted in the slaughter of 20,000 poultry and the destruction of 173,000 eggs in the farm located in Auvilliers-en-Gâtinais, reports France Bleu Orléans. Prohibition of sale to individuals The latter was in the security zone set up after the detection of the first case in Beauchamp

A third case of bird flu has been detected on a farm in Loiret, the prefecture said on Monday.

This new discovery resulted in the slaughter of 20,000 poultry and the destruction of 173,000 eggs in the farm located in Auvilliers-en-Gâtinais, reports France Bleu Orléans.

Prohibition of sale to individuals

The latter was in the security zone set up after the detection of the first case in Beauchamps-sur-Huillard.

On Saturday, November 12, another case was reported in a farm located between Noyers and Coudroy, which led the authorities to extend the protective measures to limit the risk of contamination of farms to three additional weeks.

While animal transport had been banned locally and poultry was confined everywhere in France, breeders in the sector are now prohibited from selling it to individuals.

Operators must also be extra vigilant and carry out regular screenings of their animals.


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  • Orleans

  • Loiret

  • Avian Flu

  • Poultry