Teller Report

TAC: NATO fell into a trap because of Zelensky's statements after the incident in Poland

11/21/2022, 7:35:24 PM

The North Atlantic Alliance was trapped after the "deliberate disinformation of the United States" by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky about the incident with the missile falling on the territory of Poland.

This is written by The American Conservative.

In addition, the article says that this incident provided an opportunity for NATO to reflect and revise some of the alliance's written commitments.

Earlier, Polish President Andrzej Duda said that there is no evidence that a rocket that fell on Polish territory was fired by the Russian military.

At the same time, there is a high probability, he noted, that the missile that fell on the territory of the country belonged to the Ukrainian air defense forces.

The Ukrainian leader said he was not 100% sure that the rocket that fell in Poland was Russian.

Columnist Andrew Koribko accused Zelensky of trying to trick World War III.