Teller Report

Possibility of close contact with President Xi… 'Pay attention' to future quarantine measures

11/21/2022, 7:59:43 PM

The Chief Executive of Hong Kong, who attended the APEC summit, was confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus. However, since President Xi Jinping had a conversation right next to him without wearing a mask, I am interested in what quarantine measures the Chinese authorities will take.


The Chief Executive of Hong Kong, who attended the APEC Summit, has been diagnosed with the coronavirus.

However, since President Xi Jinping had a conversation right next to him without wearing a mask, I am interested in what quarantine measures the Chinese authorities will take. 

Correspondent Jeong Young-tae's report.


After attending the APEC Summit held in Bangkok, Thailand, Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee was tested positive for the corona virus on his way home last night (20th) and went into quarantine.

However, at the APEC dinner, President Xi Jinping and Minister Li had a conversation right next to each other without wearing a mask, and the fact that they sat next to each other during the meeting was confirmed by video and photos at the time.

The problem is that, according to China's quarantine policy, close contacts of confirmed cases must be transferred to quarantine facilities to block contact with the outside world.

Attention is focusing on what quarantine measures will be taken for high-ranking government officials, including Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who has been in contact with Hong Kong Chief Executive, including President Xi.

[ Maoning

/Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson: The Chinese authorities will deal appropriately in accordance with quarantine regulations.]

In Guangzhou, controversy arose when a video of two women in their 20s having their hands and feet tied and kneeling while fighting with quarantine agents spread.

Because they tried to leave the controlled area without wearing a mask to receive delivery food, quarantine agents tripped over the women's legs and tied their hands and feet with plastic straps.

The women were fined for violating the quarantine guidelines, but criticism is rising that the quarantine agents even used violence as an abuse of authority and anti-human rights treatment.

(Video coverage: Choi Deok-hyun, video editing: Jung Yong-hwa)