Teller Report

Interior launches an unprecedented plan against youth gangs: more surveillance in schools, premises and social networks

11/21/2022, 8:18:00 PM

The Police and the Civil Guard will short-cut the youth gangs with an ambitious comprehensive plan with which the Ministry of the Interior intends to cover all the edges of this...


Police and the Civil Guard

will short-cut the

youth gangs

with an ambitious comprehensive plan with which the

Ministry of the Interior

intends to cover all the edges of this type of violence.

The youth gangs will therefore be under a global follow-up unprecedented up to now.

Thus, the Security Forces will increase their preventive presence in meeting and leisure places for young people until

January 15

, and will monitor social networks and Internet forums active in apology for behaviors with a xenophobic, racist tendency. , anti-Semitic or inspired by hatred of minorities.

The objective of this new initiative is prevention and instant police response to youth gangs to reduce their expressions of violence.


strategic plan

launched by the Ministry of the Interior has, as its cornerstone, an increase in investigative activity with greater use of police intelligence tools to identify conflictive situations that could lead to crimes.

In addition, the agents of both police forces will intensify the monitoring of social networks, web pages and internet forums that are active in advocating criminal behavior with a xenophobic tendency, as well as those that set behavior guidelines for their members, Ministry sources specified. inland.

There will also be, as reported by Interior, an increase in inspections of public venues and shows and police presence to control the sale of alcohol to minors or the permissiveness of the consumption of narcotic substances by the owners of the establishments.

Monitoring the

retail supply of drugs

in places of leisure and around schools to break up retail traffic points is another of the main pillars of the strategic plan.

This is completed by increased control to prevent drunk drivers and the dissemination of initiatives to educate and raise awareness among minors and young people about the main threats that affect their safety.

The order has been signed by the Secretary of State for Security,

Rafael Pérez

, and transmitted to the National Police and Civil Guard;

the Intelligence Center Against Terrorism and Organized Crime (CITCO);

to the Government delegations in the Autonomous Communities and, for your information, to the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), given that municipal police officers participate in many of these devices.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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