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Sichuan University Archaeological Science Center Established: Focusing on Frontier Issues of Archaeological Video

11/19/2022, 3:46:39 PM

The Archaeological Science Center of Sichuan University was established: focusing on the frontier issues of archaeological science

  [Explanation] On November 18, the establishment of the Sichuan University Archaeological Science Center (hereinafter referred to as the Center) and the Academic Forum on New Advances in Archaeological Science were held in Chengdu.

It is reported that the center consists of an archaeological dating laboratory, a molecular archaeological laboratory, an archaeological material and cultural relic protection laboratory, a geoscience archaeological laboratory, and an archaeological resource library that includes more than 10,000 pieces/sets of samples at home and abroad.

  [Explanation] Lu Hongliang, director of the Archaeological Science Center of Sichuan University, said that archeology around the world has undergone earth-shaking changes. Almost every archaeological site that has been actively excavated has used scientific and technological means to varying degrees, showing the connection between archaeology and other disciplines. It's getting smoother.

Archaeological science is at the forefront of interdisciplinary research in the humanities and social sciences.

  [Concurrent] Lu Hongliang, director of the Archaeological Science Center of Sichuan University

  Today's archaeologists work at the intersection of the humanities and traditional hard sciences, and we face countless opportunities as well as countless challenges.

We hope to combine scholars with various backgrounds, from biology, chemistry, physics to history. We all have a common goal, which is to learn from each other and collaborate together. We use cutting-edge scientific methods to solve historical problems.

So rather than saying that we have built a research institution, it is better to say that we have built a network of mutual learning and collaboration.

We hope to explore more advanced scientific and technological methods in this network, from inorganic cultural relics to organic cultural relics, from isolated single cultural relics to large-scale large-scale ruins, to trace the magnificent historical transformation, to realize the permanent preservation and effective preservation of cultural relics. sequential use.

  [Explanation] According to Wang Yi, director of the Sichuan Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics, the era of "big archeology" in Sichuan has arrived. The establishment of the center will not only provide important support for the construction of double first-class archaeological disciplines, but will also effectively promote and enhance Sichuan, Southwest China and even the whole country. The level of archaeological science contributes to the construction of archeology with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style, and Chinese style.

  [Explanation] It is reported that after the establishment of the Sichuan University Archaeological Science Center, it will generally clarify frontier issues such as the origin and spread of humans in Southwest China, the civilization process of Southwest China, and key technologies for cultural relics protection.

  [Concurrent] Chu Liangyin, Vice President of Sichuan University

  Our school plans to rely on the rich archaeological resources in the southwest region, give full play to the multidisciplinary advantages of the school's complete range of arts, science and medicine, cross the boundaries of natural sciences, humanities and social sciences, and establish the Sichuan University Archaeological Science Center, focusing on the origin and evolution of ancient civilizations and regional prehistory. The origin of society and civilization, ancient craftsmanship and technology, and key technologies for cultural relics protection and other frontier archaeological science issues, carry out multidisciplinary collaborative innovation, deepen international exchanges and cooperation, and explain the historical origin of a community of shared future for mankind.

  Yang Yudi reports from Chengdu, Sichuan

Responsible editor: [Liu Xian]