Teller Report

Sadism and crime or cultural heritage? A bill to abolish bullfighting portends an upcoming political war in France

11/19/2022, 5:40:35 PM

There are signs of a fierce legal and political war looming on the horizon in the French political scene, between those calling for the abolition of bullfighting competitions in the arenas (La Corrida), and those who support its continuation because it is part of “French culture.”

There are signs of a fierce legal and political war on the horizon of the French political scene, between those calling for the abolition of bullfighting competitions in the arenas (La Corrida), and those who support its continuation as part of "French culture".

And the French magazine "L'Obs" revealed that the deputy of the "Independent France" party, Emeric Caron, intends - on the 24th of this month - to submit a bill criminalizing "La Corrida".

Caron is considered one of the most prominent activists in the field of defending animal rights, and he began his political life by founding the “Révolution ecologique pour le Vivant” party, before joining the “Party France” party led by leftist Jean-Luc Melenchon.

As for his opponent, Simon Casas, who is described as "Papa Lacorida", and the most prominent figure in the field of organizing bullfighting festivals in the south of France, in the "Turin" region in particular, he directed - according to Lopes - harsh criticism of Karon, and addressed his supporters, saying, "We cannot accept this dogmatic discourse." which is led by a Parisian political activist who describes us as sadistic," stressing the need to refuse to prejudice an important part of France's cultural heritage.

penalties however

The magazine quoted Caron as confirming that the French criminal law provides for the punishment of those who harm animals with a penalty that may reach 5 years in prison with a fine of 75,000 euros, but despite that, he turns a blind eye to the torture and killing of a bull in public in front of the eyes of the masses.

And the animal rights activist talks about that about a thousand bulls are killed every year in bullfighting arenas, and "Lopes" says that a wide range of French people support banning this practice by up to 81%, according to a census conducted by the Coalition against Bullfighting in France.

Lacorida supporters are keen to assert that it is a "philosophical ritual" in which life and death collide, and culminates when a bullfighter can kill an animal weighing 500 kilograms.

official position

And "Lopes" stated that both the Elysee Palace (the presidency) and Matignon (the government) do not look with satisfaction at the efforts of the "Father France" party and activists in the field of animal rights to pass a law abolishing the bullfighting competition.

The Minister of Agriculture, Marc Visnot, hastened to confirm in Parliament that the bill to ban bullfighting is "not appropriate," stressing that this practice is a French cultural tradition, and it must remain regardless of the position on it.

"Lopes" commented on Visno's statement by saying that it matches the statements of Simon Casillas, and quoted Casillas as asserting that politicians know very well that there are red lines that cannot be crossed and "la corrida" among them, adding that voting in favor of a bill to ban bullfighting in France means political suicide. .

And at a time when supporters of the continuation of bullfighting competitions in France are mobilizing to defend this "cultural heritage", Aymeric Caron and with him anti-"La Corrida" associations are organizing their ranks to demonstrate in about 45 French cities during the coming days, ending with a stand in front of the headquarters of the French National Assembly (Parliament). , to defend the bill to abolish bullfighting competitions in France.