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Kazakhstan: a presidential election without much suspense to end a bloody year

11/19/2022, 9:22:38 PM

Nearly 12 million voters are called to the polls this Sunday, November 20 in Kazakhstan to elect their president. Despite an ambitious program of political and judicial reforms, the big favorite…

Kazakhstan: a presidential election without much suspense to end a bloody year

Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, near Saint Petersburg in Russia, at the end of December 2021. AP - Yevgeny Biyatov

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Nearly 12 million voters are called to the polls this Sunday, November 20 in Kazakhstan to elect their president.

Despite an ambitious program of political and judicial reforms, the big favorite in this election is current President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, who seems determined to consolidate his hold on power.


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Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the protege of the undisputed former master Nursultan Nazarbayev, was elected in 2019 by winning a landslide victory with more than 70% of the vote.

This Sunday, he is seeking a second term and the question will be whether he will succeed in reaching the stratospheric scores of his predecessor of around 98%. 

The absence of a real opponent in an election presented as a farce by the few opponents makes this scenario credible.

Already in 2019, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe had deemed the elections neither free nor fair.

This time, the international election observers of the OSCE regretted in a report that their recommendations “

relating to fundamental freedoms and the conditions of eligibility and registration of candidates

” had “

remained unaddressed



Shoot to kill


Last winter, during demonstrations that turned into riots, causing the death of 230 people, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev reinforced the police apparatus and gave the order to "

shoot to kill


Fearing instability, the power proceeded to waves of arrests.

The latest, last Thursday, when seven people accused of fomenting a coup were taken into custody.

► To read also: Bloody January in Kazakhstan: return of reporting with Anissa El Jabri

The 69-year-old president has promised to build a fairer and less corrupt country.

To that end, he

purged the clan of his influential and cumbersome predecessor, Nursultan Nazarbayev

, finally cementing his place, more than three years after coming to power in 2019. opposition, and the approximately 12 million voters called to vote will have the choice between him and five candidates without notoriety.

Challenge of social inequalities

But the greatest challenge for the current president, who presents himself as a reformer, the only one capable of uniting the Nation, will be to reduce the deep social inequalities which risk plunging into chaos, this country rich in hydrocarbons and so far considered stable.

This early election comes after the adoption last June of

constitutional reforms

supposed to close the era of Nazarbayev, the historic leader who has dominated the country unchallenged since the fall of the USSR.

They provide for

a better balance between the

executive, legislative and judicial powers, and the transformation of the presidential mandate into a non-renewable seven-year term against 5 years renewable twice previously.

► To Read also: 

In Kazakhstan, President Tokayev gradually regains control of the country


With AFP



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  • Kazakhstan

  • Nursultan Nazarbayev

  • Kassym-Jomart Tokayev