Teller Report

France: thousands of people in the street to protest against gender-based violence

11/19/2022, 5:46:35 PM

Tens of thousands of people demonstrated on Saturday throughout France to denounce the dysfunctions of justice in the fight against gender-based and sexual violence, and in particular…

France: thousands of people in the street to protest against gender-based violence

Thousands of people took to the streets in several cities in France to protest against gender-based violence, such as here in Lille on November 19, 2022. AP - Michel Spingler

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2 mins

Tens of thousands of people demonstrated on Saturday throughout France to denounce the dysfunctions of justice in the fight against gender-based and sexual violence, and in particular to demand a "framework law" against "impunity" for the aggressors.


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Five years after the emergence of the #MeToo movement, nearly 90 associations, unions or left-wing parties have called for a " 

tidal wave in the street to shout our anger 


In Paris, several thousand people began to march around 2:30 p.m. from Place de la République to Place de la Nation.

 We are strong, we are proud and feminist and radical and angry

 ”, chanted protesters, while others shouted “ 

meToo everywhere, justice nowhere


 On placards, uniformly purple, the emblematic color of the gathering, one could read in particular “dominant male, who do you think you are?

“, “stop the culture of rape” or “believing the victims save lives”.


What makes us angry is the impunity of the aggressors and the mistreatment reserved for the victims

 ” when they file a complaint, explained Maëlle Noir, member of #NousToutes who coordinates the organization of the parades.

The associations are calling for a public budget of two billion euros per year

 We are protesting because gender-based and sexual violence in 2022 is always happening, everywhere and all the time.

Every year, 295,000 women are victims of violence from their spouse.

We have a feminicide every two days.

We have one person in ten who is a victim of incest.

And we realize more and more that the President of the Republic and his governments are completely out of step with the expectations of society,

deplores Diane Richard, of the #NousToutes collective


The justice system absolutely does not answer these questions, since when the victims lodge a complaint or go to court to assert their rights, the institutions massively reject their word.


We are demonstrating today to pay tribute to the victims

 ," ​​insisted Sandrine Bouchait, of the National Union of Families of Femicide (UNFF), for whom "

 feminicide is the top of the pyramid of violence. sexual and sexist 

" and whose association asks for relatives "

 a status of victims with psychological and financial support


More generally, the associations are calling for a public budget of two billion euros per year, but also for a "framework law" which would notably establish "specialized brigades and courts", financial aid for the "security" of women victims. , 15,000 additional accommodation places or the strengthening of education in sexual and affective life at school.





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