Teller Report

Foreign youth visited Baise Baini Village in Guangxi and praised the beautiful transformation of Chinese countryside

11/19/2022, 1:58:25 AM

Ban Tongmao, photographed by Chen Guanyan, used to be a registered poor household in Nayongtun, Baini Village, and became a leader in getting rich in the fight against poverty. Ban Tongmao’s family’s annual income can reach more than 100,000 yuan by growing sugar oranges. “In the past, the family was reluctant to buy a bicycle, but now there are 8 households in the village and more than 10 cars., Baise, November 17th, title: Foreign youths visited Baini Village in Baise, Guangxi and praised the beautiful transformation of Chinese countryside

  Author Yang Qiang Huang Lingyan

  Media representatives, experts and scholars from 17 countries and regions participating in the "2022 Overseas Media Watch Guangxi" interview activity walked into Baini Village, Xinhua Town, Leye County, Baise City, Guangxi Province, which is located among the mountains on the 17th.

The picture shows foreign youths walking into the Shatangju Base.

Photo by Chen Guanyan

  Baini Village used to be a deeply impoverished village during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, and it was also the place where Huang Wenxiu, the winner of the "July 1st Medal", made unremitting efforts.

  When Huang Wenxiu left the city to serve as the "first secretary" of Baini Village, there were 103 poor households with 474 people in the village.

She led the villagers to develop characteristic industries such as sugar orange, camellia oil, clear water duck, and passion fruit, and actively coordinated technical experts to guide management and protection techniques; applied for hardening road projects to solve the problem of "difficult roads" connecting the village to the outside world, making the whole village impoverished The incidence rate dropped from 22% to less than 3%, and the village collective economy also realized an increase in income.

  On June 17, 2019, this young man who was fighting on the front line of poverty alleviation encountered a flash flood on his way back to the village from the urban area, and died on duty at the age of 30.

  Today, the Shatang orange planting base in Baini Village is enjoying a bumper harvest. The farm houses have been replaced with white walls, red windows and blue glazed tiles. Public service facilities such as leisure and entertainment squares and clinics are all available.

The wishes of Huang Wenxiu during his lifetime became a reality with the joint efforts of the villagers.

The picture shows foreign youths listening to understand Huang Wenxiu's deeds.

Photo by Chen Guanyan

  Ban Tongmao was once a poor household in Nayongtun, Baini Village, and became a leader in getting rich in the fight against poverty.

"In the past, we relied on growing a little food for our livelihood, and farming was a small effort. The village helped introduce agricultural technology, and also built roads. The villagers' cooperatives built an e-commerce platform, and the sales of sugar oranges have improved." He introduced that the local sugar The output of tangerines is increasing year by year. Last year, the whole village received about 2.3 million jin of oranges. This year's output is expected to be higher than last year.

  Ban Tongmao’s annual income can reach more than 100,000 yuan by planting sugar oranges. “In the past, the family was reluctant to buy a bicycle, but now there are 8 households in the village and more than 10 cars.” In 2021, the per capita annual income of Baini Village Income over 15,000 yuan.

  Visiting the Tangerine planting base, tasting the rich fruits of local farmers; listening to Huang Wenxiu’s deeds, Wu Di (Saiyedul), a scholar of international economics and trade from Bangladesh and a freelance writer, was deeply moved, “A young girl, from a good I graduated from university, gave up city life, returned to my small village in my hometown, and led the local people to build such a beautiful hometown. I am deeply impressed by this spirit of selfless dedication and service to the people, and I sincerely admire it.”

  This trip also allowed overseas media professionals to truly feel the beautiful transformation of the Chinese countryside.

He Mingxiang (Jon Aquino), a self-media blogger from Indonesia, believes that the development of rural agricultural technology in China has helped villagers get rid of poverty and lead a better life. This experience is worth learning for many Southeast Asian countries.
