Teller Report

End clap for "More beautiful life": "It was evenings of emotions, I will miss it"

11/19/2022, 8:11:13 AM

After more than 4,500 episodes and 18 seasons, France 3 broadcast the last episode of Plus belle la vie on Friday evening, the longest of the French series. A real monument of French television, this departure from the air will create a void in the routine and the hearts of many fans, accustomed to watching the series daily.

Guillaume Dominguez, edited by Juliette Moreau Alvarez 08:56, November 19, 2022

After more than 4,500 episodes and 18 seasons, France 3 broadcast the last episode of Plus belle la vie on Friday evening, the longest of the French series.

A real monument of French television, this departure from the air will create a void in the routine and the hearts of many fans, accustomed to watching the series daily.

This is the end for the longest French soap opera in history.

After 18 seasons and 4,665 episodes,

More beautiful life

bowed out Friday evening, during a last daily meeting on France 3. Broadcast since 2004, the series was a classic of the French audiovisual landscape.

Inevitably, on the side of the fans, this last episode is loaded with emotions.

Europe 1 went to Lucie's living room on Friday, a regular at

Plus belle la vie,

who did not miss a beat of the finale.

>> Find Europe morning weekend - 6-8 in podcast and replay here

"They make us vibrate"

"For twelve years, I have been watching the television news on France 2, and then at 8:20 p.m. it's

Plus belle la vie

", explains this fan.

In front of the last interactions of the characters, Lucie prepares to turn a page.

"Almost all these characters that we see, the actors are there from the start. They make us vibrate, what. It's emotionally charged," says Lucie.

In twelve years, Lucie has seen the characters of

 Plus belle la vie

evolve at the same pace as her.

"They grew up like me, they advanced."

For her, the French series was also an escape.

"We kind of forgot all these worries for twenty minutes. A little sad that it's over," admits the viewer.

18 years of love by your side, and that will remain ❤️ Thank you for everything, we love you

– More beautiful life (@PBLVofficiel) November 18, 2022

From now on, Lucie's routine will have to change.

"It will be especially from Monday that it will be weird. When we watch daily for many years, we get attached. It has been evenings of joy, evenings of emotion, evenings of suspense. It has been all that . I will miss it."

The end of the soap opera will create a void in the heart of Lucie, as in that of many fans across France and beyond.