Teller Report

4 female students invent a device to protect nurses from infection

11/19/2022, 10:23:16 PM

Four female national students from the Applied Technology High School created a smart robot that works to take a mouth swab from the patient, in order to protect the pathogen from transmitting the infection to him. The project supervisor, Eng.


4 female students invent a device to protect nurses from infection

The project supervisor with the students after completing the prototype of the device.

From the source

Four female students from the Applied Technology High School created a smart robot that works to take a mouth swab from the patient, in order to protect the pathogen from spreading the infection to him.

The project supervisor, Engineer Bahaa El-Din Sheikh Saleh, stated that the project, which was devised by the students: Mira Ali Jumaa Al-Marawi, Hind Muhammad Musa, Al-Anoud Salem Rashid Al-Ketbi, and Wadha Ahmed Saeed Butti Al-Mahrezi, aims to provide the medical sector with tools and ideas that may improve working conditions in it and make it Safer in the event of an epidemic such as the "Corona pandemic".

He explained to «Emirates Today» that the device is a smart robot that contributes to reducing the exposure of health care workers to patients and limiting their contact, which helps to contain the spread of infectious diseases, including «Covid-19», which is likely to be transmitted while taking samples from patients, which It relieves pressure on the medical sector, and makes work in it more sustainable and productive.

He added that the robot works to reduce the waiting time during the sampling process, pointing out that it "contains an important feature, which is that it is able to self-sterilize itself through sterilizing spray and ultraviolet rays, which have been proven to eliminate germs and viruses."

Regarding the work of the robot, Saleh said: “When the patient puts his mouth in front of the device, a signal is sent to the motor that carries the medical swab, and when the swab reaches the inside of the mouth, the swab is taken, then the motor moves in reverse and alerts the patient to complete the procedure, and then the nurse empties the swab, Then it sends a signal to the sterilizer to complete the sterilization process and prepare to receive the next patient.

He stated that the project consists of a sensory sensor, a sterilization pump, a motor, an examination platform, and a digital control device, indicating that the students participated in it in the international competition “Global Social Leaders” organized by the United Nations. 

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