Teller Report

"Pretend to be my mother"... A 10-year-old base who escaped the kidnapping crisis

11/19/2022, 11:10:47 PM

The story of a 10-year-old boy in the United States who escaped a kidnapping crisis with an excellent base has been told. On the 16th local time, foreign media such as CBS and the New York Post reported that a boy named Sammy Green was almost kidnapped by a woman in Pottstown, Pennsylvania.

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▲ Sammy whispering for help, and the woman who is still holding the door at this moment in an attempted kidnapping.

The story of a 10-year-old boy in the United States who escaped a kidnapping crisis with an excellent base has been told.

On the 16th local time, foreign media such as CBS and the New York Post reported that a boy named Sammy Green (10) was almost kidnapped by a woman in Pottstown, Pennsylvania.

On the afternoon of the 11th, Sammy was on her way home from her school when she ran into a suspicious woman.

"Where are her family now?" she asked.

She then said, "I'm going to the convenience store, and you have to come with me," and she said, "I'll buy you anything you want."

Sammy panicked when a woman she didn't know followed her, but she soon remembered that she had learned from her dad what to do if she found herself in a situation like this.

Just in time, Sammy remembered a store near her house that Sammy used to frequent, so she went straight to the store and asked her clerk, Hannah Daniels, 17, for help.

Sammy asked Hannah to "act like she's my mother" in a whisper.

Even at this moment, the woman in question was standing at the entrance of the store holding the door.

After Hanna reassured her Sammy, she approached her entrance and locked her door, and the woman left hastily.

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▲ A woman runs away when the clerk Hanna locks the door

Recalling the situation, Hanna said, "Sammy was afraid and would not leave my side."

Afterward, Sammy's father, Sam Green, said, "Every time I see the CCTV footage, I cry. This incident will be a lesson for all parents."

"You have to think of scenarios for different situations, like fire drills, and let the kids practice," Green said.

Meanwhile, Pottstown police said they identified the woman over the weekend.

The woman in question revealed that she is currently receiving treatment for mental health issues.

(Photo = WPVI, US CBS News broadcast screen capture)