Teller Report

Seider scores, Greiss saves: Germans excel in the NHL

11/18/2022, 7:34:38 AM

German duel in North American ice hockey: Moritz Seider has the better end for himself with Detroit against Nico Sturm and San Jose. Meanwhile, national goalkeeper Thomas Greiss is in top form.

German national ice hockey player Moritz Seider has scored his first goal of the season in the NHL.

In the 7: 4 (1: 2, 2: 0, 4: 2) away win of his Detroit Red Wings against the San Jose Sharks around Nico Sturm on Thursday (local time), Seider scored in the final third for a 5: 4 lead.

In the five minutes that followed, the visitors struck twice more to decide the game and claim their eighth win of the season after four games without a win.

For the Sharks, however, it was the tenth defeat after three successes in a row.

In his 13 minutes on the ice, Sturm remained without a goal.

Greis outstanding

Thomas Greiss played an important role in his St. Louis Blues' 5-4 (3-0, 1-2, 0-2) home win after a penalty shoot-out against the Washington Capitols.

The German goalkeeper parried 47 of the 51 shots on his goal, and Greiss saved five more shots in a penalty shoot-out.

In the third period, Greiss had to reach behind him twice after the Blues had led 3-0 after the first period of play.

After eight losses in a row, St. Louis has now come off the ice as winners in the past five games.

The New Jersey Devils are currently on an even more impressive streak: After a 3-2 (1-1, 1-0, 0-1) away win after overtime at the Toronto Maple Leafs, the Devils are unbeaten in eleven games.

Yahor Sharanhovich scored New Jersey's winner after 57 seconds of overtime.